Sausages and Buns

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"Tonight is the banquet! Tonight is the banquet! La la la la!~" I happily sang a little tune as I danced around in my room, excited for what was to come later in the evening. "Going to eat a whole lot and hopefully not get fat!~" I paused for a moment, thinking about the line I just sang obnoxiously loud and simply giggled, then continued and repeated my song.

I managed to get in a few more verses before I heard a knock on the door. "Coming!" Spinning my way across the room, I made it to the door and opened it, greeted by a wide-smiled Sharrkan. "Hi! What's up, Sharrkan?"

"Well," he dragged out the 'l' sound for an exaggerated amount of time before continuing. "I heard you singing, which means you must be happy! And that means this is the perfect time to ask you for a favor!"

"Sure! What's the favor?"

He leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms, kind of like a 'cool guy' pose. "I'm busy, so I need you to tell Ja'far something for me, please."

The smile left my face and I slammed the door on his face, earning a loud thud and a pained cry from Sharrkan before opening it once more. "Ow... Why did you do that?!" He asked while holding his nose.

"Sorry! It's just that Ja'far told me to never listen to anything you say again after what happened last time." I said apologetically.

"That doesn't mean you have to slam a door on me!" He complained.

I couldn't reach up to his head, so I pet his arm to try and comfort him. "Sorry..."

He gave his nose a little rub and pouted, but quickly got over it and a smile was back on his face. "It's alright. You can make it up to me by doing the favor."

Uncertainty was evident on my features and I completely avoided looking him in the eyes. "I don't know..."

"Please _y/n_?" Dropping down to his knees, Sharrkan gave me the puppy dog look, knowing very well that it gets to me. "I promise it's nothing bad!"

"Aw~... Ok, ok, I'll do it." I couldn't resist the look he was giving me, so I agreed to do what he asked of me without thinking.

"Yes!" He shouted and jumped up happily. "Don't worry, you won't regret this! Now here's what you have to say..."


The outside air was filled with the loud chatter of everyone having a good time. A lot of people were acting strange after drinking something for some reason. I've seen it before and I know it doesn't always end well, so I avoided doing the same.

There were games, songs and dancers. I even tried to copy some of their quick movements, but that didn't work out. But, most importantly, there was lots, and I mean LOTS of yummy food.

Some time passed, and I was starting to get a little sleepy. I looked over to Ja'far sitting by my left side at the table, feeling like I was forgetting something. I tried to remember by looking at my surroundings for any possible hints. Nothing rung any bells. I turned my gaze downwards and examined the food laid out in front of us and on our plates. There was still plenty on mine, like chicken and bread rolls to put things in, which I call buns. On Ja'far's there was just a lone sausage. Suddenly a little light turned on in my head.

"Hey, Ja'far?" I said. He took a sip from his cup and hummed to let me know that I had his attention. "Why don't you try putting your sausage in my buns?"

As soon as I finished my question he did a spit take so big it got everyone sitting across from us covered in what used to be in his mouth, making them groan and everyone else quiet down to see what all the commotion was for. "W-WHAT?!" His face turned bright red as he stared right at me in shock.

"Um, do you want to try putting your sausage in my buns?" I repeated.

"I must be hearing you wrong over all the noise..." He said, even though it was much quieter now than it was a moment ago. "Say that once more."

"Your sausage! Would you like to put it in my buns?" I said it one more time, holding out the buns from my plate to him in one hand and pointing at the sausage on his plate with the other.

He looked back and forth between the two items a couple of times before breathing a sigh of relief. "So that's what you meant."

I was confused by the way he seemed to panic. Maybe I just didn't word it properly for him to understand somehow. "I'll just take that as a maybe." I said and slowly put the buns on his plate next to the sausage.

"Did, uh... Sharrkan tell you to say that by any chance? I thought I told you not to listen to him anymore." He said after a brief silence.

"Um, no, he didn't. But that reminds me! He didn't tell me to say that, but he did ask me to tell you that he thinks you've got a nice butt!" I said and pointed towards Sharrkan sitting a few seats away from us, happy that I finally remembered what it was I was forgetting.

Ja'far looked at Sharrkan in disgust. "Wait, what?! No I didn't! You were meant to tell him YOU think he has a nice butt, not me!" Sharrkan yelled and stood up from his seat.

"Oh... Whoops." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly and laughed along with pretty much everyone except those two.

"I've lost my appetite." Ja'far said as he stood up and walked away from the table, glaring at Sharrkan the whole time.

Panicking, Sharrkan jumped and ran across the table to chase after Ja'far to try and fix the misunderstanding. "Wait! That was just a mistake! How would I know what your butt looks like?"

"Bye you guys!" I waved and watched them leave, then continued eating to finish the rest of my food.

I didn't see Sharrkan again until the next day. He had big bumps on his head and completely avoided me. I wonder why...

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