Little Black Boy

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Joke 138

A little black boy was walking down a lane. A police stopped him asking who he was.

He replied "I'm a little black boy from down the street and Ill kick your ass and make you weep"

The police man brought the boy to jail.
He was surrounded by criminals.

One asked him "who are you?"

He replied "I'm a little black boy from down the street and I'll kick your ass and wake you weep"

The criminals killed him.

He went to Heaven.

God asked him "who are you?"

Hr replied "I'm a little black boy from down the street and I'll kick your ass and make you weep."

God sent him to hell.

Satan asked him "who are you?"

Once again he replied "Im a little black boy from down the street and I'll kick your ass and make you weep"

Satan chuckled "didn't you hear about me? Don't you go to church?"

The boy shook his head

"Well, I'm a little red boy from underground and I'll burn your ass from black to brown"

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