Part VIII.

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«Secrets I have held in my heart are harder to hide than I thought. Maybe I just wanna be yours, I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours.»  


  [Final Part]

"Munich Business School" The lady at the other side of the desk read from her papers. "BA in Business Administration Management" She continued, her eyes never abandoned her resume.

Truth to be told, she didn't have a single idea of what was she doing. The nervousness filled her body as the woman kept reading the CV.

Things changed for her since she had that not-so-well-mannered conversation with Mats. Even when she hated to admit it, she knew he was right; the Olivia façade, she liked that façade but she also loved being Rowan. Rowan Mauer, BA in Business Administration Management, troubled mind with an obsession to maths. That Rowan. Discovering who she really wanted to be wasn't as easy as she thought, but every time she stared at her reflection in a mirror, Rowan couldn't help herself but think: I am not this.

"Well Ms. Mauer, you do have all the things we need" She finally placed her resume in the desk and lifted her head to look at Rowan.

"But?" The insecurities were showing.

The woman's brows went down in bewilderment. "But? But nothing, why would you think there's a 'but' here Rowan?"

She shrugged. "Well I told you about my latest job..." Rowan left the sentence in the air and stared at contractor with embarrassment.

"So? You also told me the reasons why you decided to leave that job" She gave her a tiny smile. "Look, in this company we try to teach our employees that there's no barrier for any of them. No matter what sex, color, religion or anything you are, it's still the same for us. What kind of person would I be if I decided to judge you for what you did?"

It was an unknown fact for her, but those words truly meant a lot for Rowan.

"Thank you so much, really"

"This is what we are going to do" She placed her palms in the desk. "I am going to keep your resume and I'll definitely call you to describe the details about your duties in the company, are you alright with this?" Rowan quickly nodded. "Good, it was a real pleasure to meet you Ms. Mauer, don't forget, this a new life for you" She reached out her hand for her to take.

Rowan shook hands with her and nodded again. "Sure, I can't wait for your call" She pursed her lips into a smile. "Thank you so, so, so much for this opportunity here. It means for me more than you can imagine because I feel like you're making me feel part of this and that's something I appreciate very much"

"You have great potential there Rowan Mauer, don't waste it thinking about things that don't matter anymore"

Rowan knew what she needed to do to make things right –for the first time in her life. It seemed almost unreal for her to be getting all the stuff she thought she would never get.

As soon as she got into her car after her job interview –which went a lot better than she thought– she took her phone out of her purse; what she was about to do wasn't something she expected, but it was necessary.

She couldn't stop herself from remembering how she got into the escort business in the first place. Being recently graduated, jobless and with a college debt was not exactly what she imagined when she finished high school. It all started when she met Dana, someone she bumped into in college a couple of times but for God knows why Rowan got to know her even better after both graduated. Dana worked as an escort and introduced her to that life.

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