Part IV.

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«My days end best when this sunset gets itself behind that little lady sitting on the passenger side. It's much less picturesque without her catching the light. The horizon tries but it's just not as kind on the eyes.»  


"Rowan Annett Mauer?" Someone with a strong voice called from behind.

She quickly whirled her body. "Yeah, I a–what the hell?" Her expression was poetry for him. Of course she looked like she just saw the girl from the Exorcist doing that weird shit about walking like a spider in front of her.

"Oh yes missy I found your name. Wait, should I call you Olivia or Rowan from now on?" He rubbed his chin with his thumb and forefinger in a thoughtful way.

Mats Hummels you son of a bitch!

Ugh. Rowan –or Olivia– despised the smirk planted on his face. He was giving her that expression of I win, you lost; I'm the best and she hated that. How dare Mats Hummels to look at me in that smug way?

"Oh my God, you stalked me. Mats Hummels you're a creep" She immediately thought about the brightest idea ever since they were in a public place. "PLEASE EVERYBODY HELP ME THIS MAN IS TRY–" Mats' hand covered her mouth as she raised her voice, getting the attention of every single person in the cafeteria.

He looked around and smiled awkwardly at the people staring at him in a judicant way. "I am so sorry, she's my girlfriend and has been taking pills lately. You know, cucu" Mats twirled his finger indicating Rowan was crazy.

Rowan rolled her eyes and ran her tongue all over Mats' palm. This one immediately took away his hand from her mouth and complained.

"Ew, what are you, twelve?" He said, cleaning his hand in the fabric of his jeans.

"How do you know my name? And what the hell is wrong with you?" She ignored his complain about the saliva thing and frowned. Rowan crossed her arms over her chest and threw at him a demanding look.

"There's obviously nothing wrong with me Rowan" He was clearly having way too much fun saying her real name. She wanted to dig her nails into his eyes so badly. "And about the other thing, well it happens to be that we have a mutual and he told me your name, just that" Mats lied because telling her he spent two and a half weeks stalking her with Benni's help would be extremely weird.

Mutual my ass Mats Hummels. She squinted and shook her head. "We don't have a mutual Hummels, I know my friends very well and most of them live in my hometown so that's a poor excuse coming from someone who is not only a football player but also a professional creep"

"Fine, I dug up some dirt to find your name but nothing more" He wanted to know her name and so he investigated but that was the only thing Mats knew about her. He wasn't creep enough to know her blood type, birth date, place of birth, family members or if she had or hadn't animals.

The effort was impressive, she couldn't deny that. "You know I can sue you, right?" Mats nodded. It was in the law.

"Yes but I hope you don't do it because that'll get me in trouble. Big trouble actually" She wasn't going to do it of course. Rowan knew that a legal battle between Mats Hummels and her didn't really make sense.

And she would lose. She knew that too. An escort against a football player, come on.

"Why are you so interested in me Hummels?" She arched one of her eyebrows.

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