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Run, run!" Yelled Davich! A group called CCG was after them it was a ghoul killing group! Ayu while running hurts her ankle and gets surrounded by the CCG soldiers. The captain points his modified ghoul killing gun at her and orders to fire, POW ... His head was kicked off by..... MYU! She saved her cousin! But the CCG soldiers were everywhere, she managed to kill 10 of them. She gets shot! There are bullets in her everywhere! But she's still alive, and a soldier slices her head off! Myu dies saving her cousin! Ayu eat some of a dead soldier to heal and runs off, she catches up with her group and is safe! "Davich, Jakuhh, Kye Kye!" Said Ayu happily! "Ayu you're safe!" Exclaimed Davich happily.

At the 20th ward the Nishki where at a coffee shop owned by ghouls! (it was called Antaku) Myke talks about Myu's death " she was a brave one and... KT (Koul Tan)
I'm sorry for your loss, your sister was great." Myke says " thanks" mumbles Koul Tan. Every one at the shop knew her and every one was sad expect for the brothers they faked it all! Then the brothers go hunting for food and they find someone his name was Kyle a American exchange student. Both brothers fed off of him. The next day at school it was all over the school news, school paper that he was missing! Everyone was questioned, but the brothers where the last ones and they used their kagune (the Ghøuls special powers) to take out the two cameras and they ate the staff there!

And again this was all over the school and the news (the real one) everyone was worried! The next day at school the CCG was there doing a meeting. "A ghoul did these attacks!" Said the head of the CCG. "We are not safe until all ghouls are DEAD!!!" He said. The crowd cheers and then the lights go out, PEOPLE start yelling! "Abby run" "ahhhhh" "it's ghouls" "Where's Kakey!" people said. And then ghouls came. They started taking people one by one. There were about 12 ghouls and 72 missing people. The attack was all over the news, and the school was closed for a month.

"Have you heard about the attack Adike?! Do you have something to do with it?!" Said Myke. "No" he replied, " well we should go to the 11th ward, they are having a meeting for ghouls about the attack." Said Koul Tan, and everyone except Adike went.

At the meeting they were talking about a attack similar to this one, but it was 50 years ago and much, much bigger. This is how it went: a poor present is going to the lake to swim, but on his way there 2 Ghøuls follow him there. One grabs him this their kagune, which was a tail, while the other one used its four arms (also a type of Kagune) and the next day every one was worried. The whg (witch hunting group) said not to worry they will find the witch, but all of a sudden Ghøuls by the thousands started murdering people by the minute. In five minutes the entire village was hunted and all 70,000 Ghøuls left.

Then the meeting was over and Myke met up with his brother and they went to the 15th ward and told a powerful Ghøul " the attack was successful, tonight we feast!" He replied in a deep slow voice "verrry guud!"

Tøkyø Ghøul: r̸i̸s̸e̸ o̸f̸ t̸h̸e̸ g̸h̸o̸u̸l̸s̸     ❶Where stories live. Discover now