4. A Long Dark Night.

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As soon as he touched my wrist, it began to turn a bluish black color. I tried to pull away but he had a really firm grip. I did the only thing that came into my head. I grabbed the table lamp and brought it down, hard on his head, causing it to break into pieces. He let go of my arm and I jumped off my bed.

But then he yelled in rage and it hurt my head so bad that I fell to the ground. My ears began bleeding again. He came towards me, picked me up and threw me against the wall and I crumpled down. I gave up. My head got a wound on the back and was bleeding. I could only hear the heartbeat in my chest and the blood throbbing in my head and I didn't feel fear anymore, only pain. "This is it",I thought,"This is the end." And I was ready. Ready to die. There was nothing I could do. Even if I manage to hurt him now, his one scream was enough to explode my brain. So I just lay there with nothing to do, not even trying to defend myself.

But then I saw a ray of hope. Under my desk -my lighter that I thought was lost. I began thinking- he hates light, that's why the weather is always cloudy and the power keeps going off. I used up all the courage I had left and picked up the lighter, flicked it on and threw it at his leg. It instantly caught fire. He screamed, and this time it knocked me out.


My head was still spinning when I woke up. The bleeding had stopped but it still hurt. My whole body was aching. I sat up slowly. My room was bathing in the bright July sun. I looked out of the window and smiled. Everything was bright and cheerful outside. Birds were chirping, the trees were swaying with the wind. I got up and stretched myself. I looked for the book, but it was gone.

I went down to see Mom And Dan. I wondered how they didn't wake up when we were making such a racket in my room. When I went into Mom's room, I couldn't see her anywhere. I yelled out for both of them but didn't get any reply.

Panicked, I began to search everywhere for them. And I found them both. Mom-in the closet, knife in her throat, eyes and mouth open and her body a purpulish color. And Dan- on his bed, knife in the eye and neck broken. There was still terror on his innocent face.

I held him on my lap and cried over his limbless body. I shook him, yelled at him to wake up. I asked him to talk to me cause I was dying to hear his voice just once. And I knew I won't be able to survive a day without his laugh, his voice, his smile, his cute face.

I wanted him to say something. I was ready to listen to his babbling for the whole day, I just wanted him back. He was scared of the book. I shouldn't have brought it home in the first place. I am the reason my mom and my brother aren't with me anymore.


A few weeks later, a urprising thing happened. I saw 'The Life Of Andrew Watson' again. In the same library, on the same blackened spot. I stared at it for a while, while assuming what happened. Watson was still searching for more victims to come alive. He didn't kill me because he thought I was dead. I turned to call Emily to show her the book. But she never saw it, cause it was gone.

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