2. A Shadow In The Room.

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Next morning, me and Daniel were sitting in my room, discussing these weird occurrences.
"There is one more thing I have to show you. I noticed it this morning." I said as I walked up to my bookshelf and took out 'The Life Of Andrew Watson'. "Come here" I called him towards the shelf and showed him the spot where the book was seconds ago. The whole patch was covered with black stains.

"What is that?" He asked, touching it.
"I don't know what exactly but I remember seeing the sane stains in the library where this book was kept." For a minute we both stared at the stains and then at the book in my hand. I sighed and threw it on my bed.

"Something is horribly weird about this book." I said
"Laura." Dan said, suddenly grabbing my hand. I looked at him. There was fear in those beautiful brown eyes.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Laura, return this book today."
"Yes I will. Wait, today the library is closed. I promise I'll return it tomorrow."
"Okay" he said, still gripping my hand. I felt worried about him.
"Hey"I said. "Don't worry. Its no big deal. Its just a stupid book. Don't think too much about it."
"Okay" he said again.

When he left the room, I stared out of the window for a while. Still cloudy. It was beginning to annoy me. I looked again at Watson's face. He was still smirking, showing off his white teeth.

I went straight to my desk, flipped open my laptop and googled for Andrew Watson. I got many results for him. He looked really handsome in the photos, but now I began to feel something creepy about this guy.

But what I found on his Wikipedia page shocked me. My jaw dropped and I kept staring at the screen even after I finished reading.

Andrew Watson was a dangerous serial killer. He has killed many people and raped women. He was still an innocent man when he wrote the autobiography. He was arrested and pronounced guilty about a year after publishing his book. Then he died five years later in jail.

I decided not to tell any of thus to Daniel. It will scare him more. I acted normal after that and didn't mention the book once. I didn't even continue reading it. In fact I didn't even look at it. I kept it carefully on the same spot on my shelf. And it remained unnoticed the whole day. As a result, the day passed by pretty normally. But not the night.

That night, when I was going to my room after dinner, I heard something inside. Footsteps. Things moving. And a shadow under the door.

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