1. The Mysterious Book.

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This is a tale of the most horrific event of my entire life. It was an unforgettable incident. I almost entirely lost my mind and even today I shiver at the thought if it. My name is Laura King. My tale begins in the month of July when I was 18 years old and just about to start college. I was in the library with my best friend Emily who was going to start college with me too.

I had always dreamt of starting a business, so here I was, looking for some books that might help. We were pulling out books, showing them to each other and discussing. The library was quiet and pretty empty except for a couple of men whispering quietly near the shelves. The librarian was a thin and tall woman with pointed nose and thick glasses. She was quietly sitting on her desk and writing something. The weather outside was dull and cloudy despite the summer season going on. I was beginning to get the feeling that it is always cloudy around the library. It sounds stupid bit I really think so.

"Fine then." I suddenly heard Emily say in an exhausted voice. She put a couple of books back on the shelf."We've been looking for books for about 2 hours, and you don't like any of them. I give up. Let's go home."

"Wait. I'll go through them once again." I said and pilled them out again. Emily snorted and threw herself on the nearest chair. I was looking at each book and whispering to myself,"No...not this...nope..." Then I stopped when I saw a really old and battered book at the end of the shelf. I pulled it out to see a really handsome man smirking from the front page. Weird thing was that there was some kind of black stain on the patch where the book was kept. But I couldn't figure out what it was exactly.

He had shiny black hair, oval shaped face, beautiful green eyes and was wearing a suit. The title read,'The Life Of Andrew Watson' by Andrew Watson. I knew this guy. He was a really successful businessman once. The guy who owned Watson Enterprises. I remembered he died a while ago.

"Hey, Emily. How's this?" I showed her the book. She looked at it for a second and then said," Sure, whatever. Let's go."

Funny thing was, it turned out I was wrong about the weather around the library. The weather stayed cloudy all the way home. I was reading till the evening and I finished almost half the book. The weather remained in the sane cloudy state it was since morning.

Later I was sitting with the book on my lap at the dining table and reading while eating. This book was really absorbing. I've always loved autobiographies but I felt this one really special. I just couldn't put it down. Watson's life was really inspiring.

Luckily, my parents don't mind me reading while eating. They font mind it if I even text or talk on phone while eating. My family is the sweetest family on Earth. My dad was out for a few days for work, my mom is a journalist and I have a really stupid but sweet younger brother Daniel who is 11 years old and is a complete charter bag. Seriously, if he's not in the house for even a little time, everything goes quiet.

Suddenly, the power went off interrupting my reading. Me and Daniel groaned loudly.
"Calm down. I'll get the flashlight." Mom said and slowly walked out of the room in the dark, leaving me alone with Daniel. Dan just went off explaining some funny incident with his friends. All of a sudden I felt a cold and really firm grip press hard on my shoulder.

I gasped loudly, turned around and yelled,"Mom! Don't startle me like that!" But I got no reply at all. I squinted my eyes in the dark to see some silhouette, but there was still no response from behind me.

My heart was still pounding hard in my chest. I realised Dan had stopped talking too. It went dead quiet. I could head the strong wind outside. I turned to Dan and said," Go ahead. What were you saying?" He turned back yo his explanation.

I was beginning to worry. Whose hand was that? It was really creepy. And what the hell was taking mom so long? Just then there was a loud 'crash' and I was soaked in water.

"What the hell, Dan?" I yelled.
"Oh, I'm sorry I accidently knocked it."
"Oh, no. My book must be drenched. It'll take hours to dry it! And it was a library book, you moron!"

Just after I said that, the power came back on. I looked at myself. My whole front was wet. But then my anger was converted into astonishment. I stared at the book as if it was something rare. I held it up to Dan, and he exactly copied my expression.

The book didn't have a single drop of water on it. It was as dry as earlier. Then mom came rushing in with a flashlight and threw herself on the chair making us rearrange our expressions. But then I saw mom's face- it was as white as sheet. We all ate quietly that night and didn't say a single word after that.

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