Old Faces

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(This is the car Bobby is talking about)

1 month later!-/-Brie's birthday

Today is my birthday. Oh I mean today's my birthday! Yeah let's be honest it's just another day.

I wake up this morning to Bobby talking to somebody on the phone. I fell asleep on the couch because I got home late from a hunt. I can't really tell who he is talking to so I slowly open my eyes.

Bobby looks up at me from his desk and sighs. I give a tired smile and stretch.

"Hey Bobby" I smile. The nightmares come every once in a while now. I'm doing good in homeschooling. I can actually handle my life at the moment. So I guess I'm good.
"Hey kid, happy birthday" Bobby says then goes back to his phone call.
I wince in pain from my shoulder then I remember my hunt from last night.
Demons. They can't just let you kill them and move on with life can they.

"You ok Brie?" Bobby asks and I look over to him.
"Yeah just demons" I mumble rubbing my bruised shoulder. I get up from the couch and go upstairs to change.

I put on a old Pearl Jam shirt and an army jacket to go over it then I put on black skinny jeans.

I come back downstairs and Bobby says bye then hangs up the phone.

"Who was that Bobby?" I ask and Bobby looks at me.
"Sam" Bobby says and I nod. Me and Sam haven't talked since they left so I don't know really what to say. Dean try's to talk to me but I don't talk to him. I'm not mad anymore really but I don't know ok.
"So do you need me to do anything today?" I ask and Bobby nods. I help him around the house fixing cars and cleaning stuff usually.
"Go out and grab some food, then go to the auto parts store and get an oil change for the 69 Mustang" Bobby says and I nod.

It's about 1pm now so I put my boots on and comb my hair.

I walk back over to Bobby and he looks tired.

"Hey Bobby, everything ok?" I ask and he looks up to me.
"I stayed up all night waiting for you to get home" Bobby laughs and I smile.
"Sorry Bobby, well I'm heading out, I have my cell call if you need anything" I say and grab Bobby's keys. Oh yeah I forgot to mention Bobby taught me how to drive and I got my license!
"Be careful Brie" Bobby says and I nod.
"You know I will" I say putting my gun in the waistband of my jeans.
"Bye!" I yell going out of the door.

Time skip!

I pull up to Bobby's house and I notice something different about the car lot. I really don't know what it is though. I sigh then get out of Bobby's car. I decide that I'm just going to hurry up and change the oil in the Mustang.

When I fix this car up its going to be mine! I love this car and I've literally put my blood, sweat, and tears into this car.

After I get finished with that I take in the groceries. Bobby looks up at me and gives a big smile so I return it.

"Kid you got a little something on your forehead" Bobby says motioning to my forehead. I wipe my forehead and oil comes off.
"Oh yeah, I went ahead and changed the oil when I got home" I say laughing a bit.
"Need some help?" Someone asks coming up behind me. I have no clue who this person is so I don't move but I slowly put my hand on my gun. I look over to Bobby and he's smiling so loosen my grip on my gun.
"Happy birthday Brie" The same voice says then walks in front of me. Sam.
"Happy birthday Kiddo" Dean says coming into the living room with a beer.
"T-thanks, what are you guys doing here?" I ask and Sam sighs.
"It's your birthday so I thought we should come by and celebrate it with you, but if you want us to leave we will" Sam says and I shake my head no. I want them to stay.
"Stay, just let me put these groceries up" I say scooting by Sam and I go into the kitchen.

I start putting away groceries and Dean comes in to help.

"So why'd you guys really roll into town?" I ask looking back up to him.
"Brie, we just wanted to see you" Dean scoffs and I nod. Somethings up.
"Well it's just another day" I say and shake my head.
"It's your 16th birthday, that's not at all special to you?" Dean questions and I shrug.
"I woke up today and I didn't feel any different, so no it's not special to me" I roll my eyes and go back to putting up groceries and I guess Dean leaves.

Once I finished putting up the groceries I wipe my forehead off with a wet washcloth. How is this going to go?

I walk back into the living room and everyone stares at me. I don't like this.

"Ok, stop staring at me!" I grumble and they look away.
"So what now?" I ask and Bobby shrugs.
"Your birthday, you decide" Bobby points at me and I shrug. What to do, what to do?
"We could go on a picnic, like drive up in the mountains and just talk" I shrug and Bobby nods.
"Sound good to you boys?" Bobby asks and they nod.
"Sure, so Brie what kind of car were you working on?" Dean asks and I light up.
"It's a 69 Mustang" I answer proudly and Dean smirks.
"Nice choice" Dean says and I nod.
"Well I'm just going to make some sandwiches and stuff" I say and awkwardly walk back into the kitchen.
I swear it was to awkward.

Sam comes into the kitchen as I'm fixing the sandwiches and starts helping.

"So how have you been Brie?"Sam asks and I shrug.
"Good I guess, what about you?" I ask and Sam sighs.
"Same old same old, listen me and Dean have a surprise for you, but only if you want to" Sam says smirking so I stop and look up at him.
"Are you going to tell me, or torture me with the suspense?" I question and Sam nods.
"Whatever" I giggle and Sam smiles.
"So you're 16, man I'm old" Sam says and I smirk.
"Sure are, old man" I say and Sam glares at me.
"So what about the nightmares?" Sam asks and I tense up. I said the nightmares come and go but now they are more vivid.
"Gabrielle?" Sam questions and I slowly look up.
"Fine, t-they come and g-go" I stutter and Sam gives me a really look.
"We'll talk about it later" Sam says and I nod.

After me and Sam finish making the sandwiches we pack up and head out to my favorite place in South Dakota!

Hey guys! I'm so so sorry for how long it took me to get this chapter up! I started school yesterday and things have been crazy. So I'm getting back into the swing of things and hopefully I'll have a new chapter up tomorrow!

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