Hunters Funeral

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*2 Months later*

Me and Boston are closer than ever. Sam and Dean left and they haven't even called. Today me and Boston are taking care of a little demon problem a few towns over.

Well we're actually hunting it right now.

Boston goes around back and I take the front.

I hear a crash and Boston screaming so I run to where the sound came from.
There is three demons on Boston so I run in and just start stabbing. I kill one of them but the other one sends me flying back into the wall.

Now Boston has two demons on him.
One gets out a knife while the other one holds Boston.

"Help!" Boston screams and I try to move but I can't. Invisible force.
"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM YOU BLACK EYED SON OF A B-AGHH" I scream but then I feel my insides turning into mush.
"See if your a Winchester then it's only fair to see someone you love die!" The demon yells then stabs Boston in the heart.
"NO!!!" I cry until nothing comes out. Both demons smoke out and the force is gone.

I drop to the floor and scoop Boston up in my arms. Tears flowing freely.
"B-Brie?" Boston whispers.
"Stay with me! Don't you dare give up on me! CAS! CASTIEL!!" I start screaming but he doesn't come.
"CAS PLEASE!!" I scream then I look down at Boston to see that his eyes were closed.
"Boston?" I whisper and feel his pulse. Nothing.
"Please." I whisper curling into a ball.

Two days after/-/-

I finally drag myself out of the warehouse with Boston's body. For two days I couldn't move at all.

I bring his body out back and give him a hunters funeral. I cried out all of my tears. Now I'm numb.

He was the only one tying me down to the orphanage. He's gone so I am to.

I walk to the orphanage and pack up.
I have nothing here anymore. I have no money. Maybe I could call Bobby and ask to stay till I get on my feet. Yeah.

"Hello" Bobby answers.
"Hey Bobby, can I ask you something?" I ask sitting down in my bed.
"Sure kid, everything ok?" Bobby asks and I sigh.
"Bobby, Boston's dead" I say looking around my room.
"What?! Kid what happened?" Bobby asks and I get up.
"Demons, I couldn't save him" I say throwing a duffle over my shoulder.
"I'm so sorry Brie, do you need anything?" Bobby asks.
"Bobby I know this is a lot to ask but can I stay with you for a bit, just until I get a job then I'm out of your hair" I ask and Bobby laughs.
"Kid you know you can come stay with me, but how are you going to get here?" Bobby asks and I walk out of the orphanage.
"Walk. I don't have any money for a bus ticket" I shrug and start walking.
"No, if it's ok with you I'll call Sam and Dean and they'll come pick you up" Bobby says and I sigh.
"I don't know Bobby, I tend to get angry easily these days" I say kicking rocks.
"Nonsense, I'll call them and tell them to call you" Bobby says and I sigh.
"Fine, bye Bobby" I say then hang up the phone.

Sam's pov~~

Me and Dean are sitting in the bunker looking for a case when my phone rings. I give a look to Dean and I answer it.

"Hello" I say looking at Dean.
"Hey kid" Bobby's voice comes through the phone.
"Heya Bobby, got a case for us?" I ask stretching.
"Not exactly, Brie just called me" Bobby says and I feel my heart drop into my stomach. I put the phone on speaker.
"Is she ok? What's wrong?" I ask and Dean leans forward.
"She's in a rough spot right now, Boston died" Bobby says and Dean gasps.
"H-How?" I ask.
"Demons" Bobby replies and Dean shakes his head.
"Where is she?" Dean asks.
"She's still in Pennsylvania and she wants to come to my house" Bobby says and my chest grows tight.
"Boys you need to go get her and bring her here" Bobby says and Dean nods.
"Ok Bobby we're leaving now" I say standing up.
"Oh yeah I told her you would call her" Bobby says and I nod.
"Ok Bobby I will, bye" I say then hang up.

We get into the car and we start to drive. I decide to call Brie.

Brie's pov~

My phone starts to ring like fifteen minutes later and it's Sam.

"Hey Sam" I say sitting down on a bench.
"Hey Brie, how are you?" Sam asks and I sigh.
"I'm here" I say and I can't deny that it kinda feels good to hear his voice.
"I'm sorry about Boston" Sam says.
"I am too" I shake my head.
"Stop" I hear Dean say.
"Stop what?" I ask. He must have me on speaker phone.
"It's not your fault, stop blaming yourself" Dean says and I scoff.
"You wasn't here, you don't know" I say and Sam sighs.
"Listen, stay at the orphanage till we get there. We'll be there in a day or so" Sam says and I sigh.
"I'm so sorry" I whisper. I feel so bad. I am to much trouble.
"Why?" Dean asks.
"I'm so much trouble, that you had to drop everything and come get me" I say and Dean laughs.
"Dean stop" Sam says to Dean.
"Listen, it's fine" Sam says and I get up.
"Ok Sam, I'll see you soon" I say walking towards the orphanage.
"Ok bye Brie" Sam says and I hang up.

I get back to the orphanage and I take a shower. Yeah I still had Boston's blood on me and my clothes.

I get out and I start drawing. I'm just practicing symbols.

About two hours later Sam starts to call my phone.

"Yeah Sam" I say.
"Hey Brie, just wanted to check up on ya" Sam says and I roll my eyes.
"And by that you mean making sure I didn't leave the orphanage yet" I say and Sam sighs.
"It's ok Sam, I'm not going anywhere" I reassure Sam.
"You better not, hey why do you want to go to Bobby's?" Sam asks and I tense up.
"Boston was the only thing keeping me here, now that he's gone so am I" I say.
"Oh ok, why didn't you call me though?" Sam asks and I sigh.
"I didn't think you would care" I admit.
"Don't think stuff like that ok, trust me I care" Sam scolds and I feel bad again.
"Ok Sam" I say and Sam sighs.
"I'm sorry Brie" Sam says.
"No it's ok, I deserved it" I say.
"No you don't Brie" Sam says and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah ok, well Sam I guess I'm going to go to sleep, call me when you get here" I say rubbing my forehead.
"Ok bye" Sam sighs and I hang up.

I let a tear fall down my face then I turn off the lights.

I grab Boston's bracelet that he always used to wear.
"Night Boston" I whisper and put the bracelet back down.

Night world.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I cried while writing it but trust me it's for the best. Next chapter Brie is reunited with Sam and Dean!

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