Brie Winchester

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I live in an orphanage with 12 other kids in Easter, Pennsylvania. I share a room with a preppy girl named Chloe. Me and Chloe don't get along very well, then again I only get along with one other person in the whole orphanage. Boston Roads, 13 years old, and a total nerd. He's also a hunter and we do local hunts together.

Boston is like my little brother and I would die for him.

I can't really say that I have my dads eyes or my moms hair because I've never met them. I do have long brown hair with Hazel eyes that can't really decide what color to be. I'm kind of tall for my age. I wear flannels and a lot of band t-shirts most of the time (not guilty).

I have A's in every class except math. Ew. I have like the highest grade in Latin and History. It's so easy for me!

Yeah I guess that's all about me. I'm not a very interesting person.

Brie out!

Hey! I hope you guys love this story and I think it's going to be fun to write. Now I know there's not a lot of Sam Winchesters daughter books on here and I want to be original with this!
Also I do not own supernatural!
I know your wondering How can Sam have a daughter? Well season 6 episode 3 is what I'm going off of. Yes he was soulless!
This story takes place like 15 years after that.

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