Chapter 1

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A/N pov

Diary entry 1)
"Hey its me Y/N so today was not her sleepless night. There was another Akuma attack and let me tell you it was weird-" there's a knock on the door "who is it?" "It's just me can I come in?" Calls a voice from the other side of the door "come on in!" The door opens revealing a boy about 18 with orange-brown eyes wearing black jeans with a Nightmare Before Christmas hoodie with a Jack Skellington beanie. "What's up Alex?" "I just wanted to know if you where ready to fo?" "Yea I'll be right down don't worry" Alex leaves and you look around once more walking towards your bed

Y/N pov

As I'm walking out of my room I'm thinking to myself 'in a few short hours I'll be in a new school and maybe make some new friends'. I pick up my bag and walk down to car I see Alex waiting for me "you ready to go y/n?" "Yup let's get going!"

♡time skip brought to you by cat ears♡

I arrive at the new house and rush upstairs. I open the door to my room and walk in, it has a large king size bed, the walls are painted f/c. There is a reading area with a desk and a balcony. I throw my bag onto the bed and a small dragon rolls out rubbing it's head "ouch y/n!" "Oh I'm sorry Flare! Are you ok?" I walk over to her and pick her up "Yea I'm fine but I'm super hungry do you have anything for me?" She asked making a begging face. "I think I do have something for you my little Kwami" I say holding up a small plastic bag full of blue M&M's "gimme gimme gimme" she says flying around my head "alright here" I hand them to her and she begins to eat. While she eats I walk over to one of the bags and pulls out a bed that I made for her and place it next to mine.

♡time skip brought to you by empire of cats♡

After unpacking all my stuff and feeding Flare once again I walk out onto my balcony. "Flare what do you think about going on a night stroll?" She nods her head and flies over to me "ready when you are y/n!" "Alright Flare, blaze on!" I transform in to my suit and spread my wings out and take off flying above Paris.

Chat Noir's pov

I was sitting on top of the Eiffel Tower looking over the city I see something with wings flying over one of the buildings.
"Great just what I needed an Akuma, when am I going to get a break today" I decide to follow the person and see if they where going to do something.

Back to y/n pov

I feel like someone's following me so I slow down and hide. As the person stops in front of me I jump out and pin them against a wall. An arrow materializes in my hand and I place it against the persons throat. I look up and my eyes meet two emerald green eyes...

Chat Noir's pov

When I stop to follow the person I'm suddenly pinned against the wall with an arrow to my throat. The person looks at me and I'm eyes meet the two e/c eyes. I can't help but stare at them the person loosens their grip and I take the chance and flip so I'm the one pinning them. The light shifts in the darkness revealing a girl. "Who are you?" I ask her.

(This is getting boring I know) y/n pov

"Who are you?" Hey asked me. "I'm DragFire" he looks at me then let's me go. My arrow disappears and he and I stand staring at each other until he says something "well DragFire I'm Cha-" "I know who you are Chat Noir" he looks at me with surprise. "I've never seen you around before where are you from?" He asked "I'm from h/t" "cool" he said. Then my necklace makes a beeping sound same with his ring "Im sorry Chat but I have to go maybe I'll see you again just not under these circumstances" I spread my wings and fly back to my balcony just and Flare changes back I put her in her bed then I walk over to change into my pjs. I lay down in my bed and fall asleep.

Chat Noir's pov

I watch her fly off then head home myself. As I climb through the the window Plagg comes out. "I'm so hungry I could really use you camembert right now" he flies over to a plate with some left over camembert on it and begins to eat. I change and lay down on my bed thinking out DragFire as I begin to fall asleep. I'll find out tomorrow.

Ok hey guys this is the first chapter and I wanted to know what you guys thought about it. Please comment and give me your opinion. Thanks for reading and chapter 2 will be out soon. ✌🐾

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