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"Yeah?" he almost carelessly asks. His hair was a mess, as well as his clothes. You could tell he finished off that bottle of wine after you left last night. 
"I don't know if you got my text this morning, I just wanted to apologize for last night. I was just trying to help Emily-she practically bribed me into doing it."

"Yeah, that sounds like her. Never could trust me."

You were tempted to point out that she was right for not trusting him. But you didn't want him to slam the door in your face.

"Do you mind if I come in, Brian?"

"Well, you did me dirty last night. The worst part was that we didn't get to finish what we started" he said with a slight giggle. He became more serious when he saw your expression.

"Look Brian, I just feel bad that I set you up like that. I led such a sweet guy on. I just want to clear my conscience."

"I'll forgive you... if you let me take you out for lunch. How about that?"

"I find it hard to believe I caught you cheating on your girlfriend last night and you think that I would want to date you. I'm aware that once a cheater, always a cheater."

"Woah, okay okay. I understand what you saw last night looked really bad. Yes, I was in a relationship with Emily and yes, I tried to sleep with a really gorgeous girl, but you (Y/N), are just impossible to resist."

"Oh, is that what you said to all the other girls you cheated on Emily with?" You faked an attitude, trying to not blush at what he just said to you.

"Other girls? She told you I cheated on her before?" You nodded your head in approval. 

"Look, I NEVER cheated on her before last night! I never would have thought of it. A guy we work with on set-Jeremy- has a huge thing for Emily. Made her believe he was her friend and that he would 'watch' me. Whenever we were filming and she wasn't around, he would lie and tell her I was cheating on her. The bastard even slipped pictures of me filming challenges with randomly women and say they were who I was cheating on her with. I guess that asshole can have her now that we are over."

"So, you're saying you never cheated on her until she set you up? Now I feel really bad." You must have looked upset, because Brian quickly came and sat down beside you. He put his hand on your knee.

"Brian, I am so sorry I ended your relationship like that. But if you really wanted to be with me, then why wouldn't you just break up with her first?"

"I planed to quite a while ago. We just started fighting all the time from her accusing me of cheating. We started drifting apart. The day that I planned to break up with her, she told me her mother was diagnosed with cancer. I couldn't break up with a girl who just found out her mother is dying!"

"So you thought it would be easier to break her heart and cheat on her?" You said almost playfully.

"No, (Y/N). There is something very different with you than most girls I meet. Hell, you're different from anybody I've ever met. We are into the same things, we have the same sense of humor, and I think you're gorgeous. Did you expect me to text Emily at that bar 'Hey, its been sorry bought your sick mother, I just found this hot girl I would rather be with than you'?"

You laughed. This was the first moment since last night you felt at ease.

"So you really think I'm beautiful?"

"Really? Are you going to make me confess my attraction for you yet again?" He said as he stood up.

"I know I'm a mess right now. Let me fix myself up and we can go out to lunch like I said earlier. It's the only way I could forgive you, (Y/N)."

"Well then I guess I have no choice" you said with a grin. You stand up and Brian meets you with a hug.

"I think I'll run to my apartment to change into something a bit cuter."

"Nope, I'm not letting you leave without me! Besides, you look great as you are. How about you come to my room while I get ready so we can discuss where to eat. And don't worry I won't change in front of you. I want to make sure you don't just want me for my body!"

You couldn't help but giggle with and snort. Brian immediately made fun of you but you thought it was hilarious. You couldn't believe how quickly your day had changed for the better. It wasn't long before you two were heading out the door.

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