His Place

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The next morning, the first thought on your mind was Brian. You rolled over in bed, grabbed your phone, sending him a text message. 

"Hey Brian, it's (Y/N)."

Almost immediately, he texted back.

"Hey cutie, I thought you'd never text back! I was thinking maybe we could go out to grab a bite to eat then maybe go back to my place to hang out."

"Ok, so you want to grab lunch? There's a new Pizzeria near by that I've been wanting to try."

"Sounds great! I'll meet you there at 12 ;)"

You jump up and start getting ready. You throw on your favorite pair of tight jeans and a tight shirt to match. You begin on your hair and makeup as you receive a text message from Emily.

"So? Have you guys met up yet?"

"Not yet, I just texted him. We are meeting for lunch then he wants to go back to his place."

"Oh God. That can't mean anything good...please keep my updated."

"How is your mom doing?" You ask, trying to get her mind off of Brian.

"Not well. The doc said she isn't responding to the chemo as well as they had hoped. Thanks for asking. You have shown more interest in my mother than Brian." With this text you realize your little plan didn't work so you put your phone down and completed your makeup.

"Leaving, I'll be there in 10mins" Brian texted to you. You began to panic, realizing you would get there later than him. You hated arriving at a public place and having to find where your date was, so you hurried out of your apartment.

When you arrived, he was standing outside waiting for you. Being a warm spring day, Brian was wearing a Tell 'em Steve Dave tee shirt, cargo shorts, and sunglasses. You could barely hide your excitement to see him. As soon as you were close enough he gave you a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I hope that wasn't too forward." He said with a grin.

"On no, not at all!" You replied as you followed him into the restaurant. 

You were quickly seated and ordered. You were almost embarrassed to eat in front of him but you were hungry from not eating breakfast, you had been far too nervous.

Conversation came naturally between you two. You told him how you were a fan of Impractical Jokers. He told you about his podcast What Say You and Tell 'em Steve Dave, which you were not familiar with. You two were laughing so much throughout your date that you noticed stares from other patrons. 

"Maybe we should go ahead and head back to my place." Brian paid for your food and you followed him out to catch a cab. You sneaked a text to Emily.

"We are catching a cab back to his place now."

You felt your phone vibrate but didn't check to see what she sent back.

As soon as you entered his apartment, you noticed a cat.

"Oh! You have a cat! I wish I could have pets in my apartment, I love animals."

"Yeah, that's Benjamin Cat. I actually have two more, I'm sure they would love to meet you."

You pet the cat while Brian pulled out a bottle of wine and came to sit next to you on his couch.

"I normally don't drink this stuff, but I figured it wouldn't be classy to drink beer on my first date with a girl."

Oh no. He actually admitted that it was a date and now he is trying to get you drunk in his apartment. You had to think of an excuse to not drink too much.

"Oh wow, this is pretty dry. Not sure if I'm a fan" you said with a giggle after taking your first sip.

"Yeah as it turns out I'm not much of a wine fan. We don't need booze to have a good time though." He began to lean into you as he shut his eyes.

It took you by surprise when he kissed you on the lips, but you didn't fight it. You really hated that you enjoyed it. You just wanted the kiss to last longer. 

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist your lips..." he said with a pause before kissing you again.

He suddenly stopped.

"Look, I don't want you to think I just invited you over for sex. I would like to get to know you, (Y/N)."

"That would be nice. So what did you have in mind?"

"Let's just watch a movie or something" he suggested.

"Or we could watch Impractical Jokers" you jokingly added.

"Oh no, I would hate to be in the room while you watch me embarrass myself. There's a marathon of Star Wars on. We can watch the original trilogy, if you don't mind."

"Well, I've seen them all but I guess I can sit through them again" you said with a giggle.

"Hey, if you don't watch it, I'll quiz you on them!" he flirtily threatened. You were smiling ear to ear, hoping you weren't noticeably blushing.

You two couldn't stop talking through out the movies. You made it through the first two movies completely, but fell asleep at the beginning of Return of the Jedi. When you woke, the tv was black and you were stretched out on the couch with your shoes off. You had no idea where Brian went.

"Oh, you're awake. I went to grab a pillow for you. Hope you didn't mind a made you a little more comfortable" he said as he emerged from his bedroom.

"That was sweet of you. Ya know, it's really getting late. Maybe I should get going..."

"I would rather you didn't. Its raining pretty hard out there." Right as he finished his sentence you both heard a loud crack of thunder and with that, all the lights went out. Without hesitation, you both grabbed your phones to use as light.

"I've got some candles around here somewhere. At least we can have some mood lighting" he said with a laugh. You were happy to have a reason to stay.

"Hey, (Y/N), you know you're welcome to stay the night. You can sleep in my bed and I'll take the couch."

"Oh, so you're inviting me into your bed?" You said jokingly.

"Well like I told you earlier, I don't want you to think I just want you for sex, but hey, if you're up for it." The flirty look gave you chills. You wanted to take him up on his offer.

"All the candles are in my bedroom so...I'll just light them up in there. You can come sit on my bed."

You did your best to not jump up excitedly as you took him up on his offer. Sitting on the foot of his bed, he sat beside you and put his hand on your thigh. 

"Look, with the power being out there's not much for us to get to do besides...well you know." He said with a seductive smirk.

"You just can't get off the subject of sex, can you?"

"Hey, I see the way you've been eye balling me all night! But really, it's completely up to you. I think you're gorgeous and I promise you won't forget a night with me. He slid his hand further up my thigh.

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