Getting Caught

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"Let me slip into the restroom to freshen up first." You take your purse with you. You need your phone. 

You text Emily everything that had happened. Without texting back, she calls you. You are certain that Brian hears your phone go off. You quickly answer your phone and turn the faucet on so Brian won't hear you speaking.

"Well that's it for me. That's all the proof I need that scumbag is cheating on me. I knew he didn't care for me as much as I cared for him but fuck him for doing this. I want to talk to him."

"Uh, like you're going to call him right now?"

"No, (Y/N). I want you to hand him the phone right now. I don't want him to have the chance to ignore me."

"Emily I can't do that! What if he gets angry and tries to hurt me! What if he breaks my phone! I can just leave now and then you can call him-"

"Please! I promise he won't hurt you or your phone. Plus I was the one who made you do this. I'll make sure he knows that."

You quickly exited the restroom, avoiding eye contact with Brian.

"Hey sexy, what's wrong? Chicken out?"

you handed him the phone. Confused, he puts it up to his ear. You can hear Emily screaming at him. Brian trying to explain but not able to get a word in. You grab your purse and walk into the living room to put your shoes on, almost tripping on one of his cats in the dark. You wait for the conversation to be over. You plan on grabbing your phone and running out of the dark apartment complex. 

Suddenly silence. You walk into Brian's bedroom to see him still sitting on the foot of his bed, looking into your phone with a blank face. You walk over and he hands you your phone without making eye contact. 

"I am so sorry. She begged me to do this. I didn't want to." 

He silently got up and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door behind himself.

You exit his apartment, almost in tears, feeling awful for what you had done to him. Even though he was cheating on his girlfriend, you had sympathy for him. You found your way down the dark stairwell and out into the dark streets. You flag down a cab. You cant wait to get home. 

"Thanks for what you did tonight. Needless to say, Brian and I aren't together anymore."

You turn your phone off and throw it in your purse. You didn't want to talk to anybody.

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