Thirty Four

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"I'm not a normal human." I start to tell Blake. He still has his arm around me, his face still has a warm expression on it, but his eyes are piercing. Not scarily piercing, but almost like they are looking into me, like he's seeing me, the real me. I'm not sure whether that's a good thing or not.

Of all the people I have ever met, Blake is the first person who I have had a meaningful conversation with. The monsters were only interested in studying me, and then hunting me. And I've never really let anyone close to me, never close enough to have a conversation with. Maybe a hello or thank you to a shop keeper, but never anything more.

When I first came to this town, I laid low for a whole month, coming out only in the dead of every other night to look for food, mainly steeling a couple of cans of whatever I could find in one of the stores around town.

Once I was sure that I hadn't been spotted or seen or worse yet, recognized, I started to go out more at night. In the time I've been here I've even managed to go to a couple of late night movies. I love movies. I love people. I want to be with people. But whenever I try and get close, warning bells go off in my head telling me that it will only ever end one way.

And then Blake came along. But I won't let it end that one way.

He nods now for me to go on. I gulp, then let out a sigh as begin to tell him the story of my life, starting at Genesis.

To be continued :)

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