Chapter 12- A Plan

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I got up and got ready to seem if we've come up with a plan yet.
I left mny chambers and go to the underground lyre where we usually come up with plans.

When I get there, I see Finn. When he sees me, he walks over and hugs me. "You alright?" He asked. I nodded. "Okay. We think we got a plan." He said with a smirk.


Two days later we were ready. I got the outfit where I met Luke for the first time on and put my hair in three buns as I usually do.
I walked out of my chambers and walked outside. I find Leia. "Leia, I'm ready!" I call out to her. She turns around and smiles. "Ah, Rey. Good morning." I smiled. "Good morning." All of the sudden Leia's face got serious. "Rey, are you sure you want to do this? I mean you love him." I lose my smile and let out a sigh. "When you love someone, you would do anything to see them again," I look up. "so yes, I am sure." Leia nodded. "Alright, then I'll  lead you to your spacecraft, come with me." She started walking and I followed. 

When we got there, Finn, Poe and Luke were there waiting for me. Poe hugged me. After he looked me straight in the eyes. "Get him back." I smiled and whispered something in his ear. "You go get him." Poe looked confused. I looked at Finn and back at Poe then winked. He looked down at the floor and blushed. Finn told me he was bi a couple of days after I came back with Ben. To be honest I wasn't surprised.

I hugged Finn. "Be careful, Peanut." I nodded. When we split apart he kissed me on my forehead.

I walked to Luke. "I'm so proud of you, Rey." I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you, Master." Even though he is not my master anymore, I still like to think of him that way.

I walked over to Leia finally. We hugged. "Rey, if he runs away, don't take it personally, he does that to everyone." I chuckled. "He said he loved me. I don't think I can take it any other way than personally." I smiled sadly. Leia nodded and gestured toward the spacecraft. I got in with everybody's eyes on me and headed off.


I hope our plan will work. We decided it was best if I was bait to distract the First Order. Then the rest of the risistance will go and destroy the second Star Killer Base. Why do they keep making weapons like that? It never works out well for them.

I'm in a spacecraft heading to Star Killer Base. Last time I was in here was with Ben. And now I'm getting him back.

The First Order detected me. They brought me inside a spacecraft area where it looks like they hold all their ships. I landed. I got ready for them to take me hostage once again.

I heard banging on the door. I stiffened my back. They knocked the door down. A couple stormtroopers poined their guns at me. The other talked to Captain Hux on his walky talky. "Sir, we have the girl."  Then I heard Hux's voice come in. "Oh, what a wonderful surprise. Bring her in."

"Yes, Sir."

They walked over, lifted me up and hand cuffed me. One shoved me forward. "Move." I huffed and started walking forward.

Kylo's P.O.V.

I've become miserable each day thats she is gone. After everything, I don't regret telling her the truth. She deserves the truth.

I walked down the halls felling lonely, then I felt something. Rey.
I felt Rey. But how? Why would she be here? No, it's just my imagination. Wow, I miss her so much, that I'm tricking my brain into thinking she's actually hear.

Two stormtroopers came in front of me. "Sir, Snoke wishes to see you." I rolled my eyes, but they couldn't see it because of my mask. "Alright." I said and walked passed them.

I walked through the doors that led to Snoke. "Snoke you wished to see me again?"

"Yes, the girl. She is here, in the interrogation room. See if you can get any information about the Resistance."

What? She's here? I couldn't believe my ears. I wanted to run out of there and go see her, but I knew Snoke kill me if he knew.

"Yes, right away Sir."

He nodded. "Okay, now go away."

I walked as fast as I could to get out of there.

Rey's P.O.V.

Why would they put me in the interrogation chair again? Wow. The First Order learned nothing.

I made the restraints let go of me and I got out of the chair. I walked over to the door. Well they did learn something; not to put a stormtrooper in the same room as me. But I could still open this door. I used the force and opened the door. Two stormtroopers instantly turned around. "Wait, give me my lightsaber and when people ask where I am, tell them you guys are stupid." I said. One of them gave me my lightsaber. "When a person ask us where you are, we will tell them we are stupid." The other one said. I smirked. "Good. Now walk away." They started walking and I headed in the opposite direction.

I walked for five minutes and stopped. I felt him. He was close. I started walking again, getting closer to him. Tears started streaming down my face. What if he puts me back in the cell? What if he takes me to Snoke, so Snoke can kill me? What if he kills me himself?

I turn a corner then I see him. He sees me. We were standing two feet from each other. He took off his helmet and we stared at each other for what seemed like forever.

BALANCE (Reylo Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora