Chapter 6- Leaving

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His warm soft lips against mine, made me feel alive. The moment our lips touched, it was like a switch. I wanted him. I wanted him to comfort me. I wanted him to protect me, to always be there for me, to love me. I didn't want to pull away. I wanted to keep going in. The way he kissed me was like tasting a birthday cake with lots of layers, the outside looks nice, but the inside is even better.

Kylo's P.O.V

She kissed me. Why? I'm confused. Why would she choose me? She could have any guy but she chose me. I mean, I like her kissing me, a lot actually. But I need to know. I pulled away and I looked in to her eyes. Her beautiful hazel eyes. "Why? Why me?" She looked down and back and me. "No one chooses who they love, they just do." I backed away confused. "So, what are you saying?" She came one step closer towards me. "I'm saying that I love you, Ben Solo." She loves me. She is the one person who said that besides my family. Snoke didn't, he just wanted me because of my power. He could care less about me.

In that moment I realized how much I really love her and care about her. I wanted to be there, forever and always. I wanted to never leave her side. I love her.

I moved in closer. "I love you, too." Then I closed the gap between us. This kiss was much better, more passionate. I explored every corner of her mouth. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she put hers on my back. When we pulled away, I just held her in my arms while we looked at the sunset.


I carried her in my arms, bridal style to the tent. She was already asleep when we left.

When we got into the tent I laid her down on the bed. I walked around to my side of the bed and laid next to her. I laid her down on her side towards me, so I could stare at her face. Her beautiful face. I moved the hairs that were in front of her face. She looked so peaceful. So beautiful. After a while of staring at her, I fell asleep.


I was having a dream, not a nightmare, though, it seemed like it. Hux was standing in front of Snoke. I wasn't there but I could feel the darkness radiating off of him. "Have you found them," asked Snoke. "Yes, Supreme Leader. We have tracked them to Yavin-4," said Hux proudly.

"Do you know how to get them," asked Snoke.

"Yes, we are sending a space craft in the morning."

Snoke sat back in his chair. "Good, now go back to your duties."

Hux bowed and left. Snoke had an evil look as he watched Hux walk back to his duties. I could feel the fear coming from him. I felt that every time he was near Snoke. To be honest, I was too, but I could hide it, because I am trained. But Hux isn't, which makes it harder for him. If I can feel his fear, then Snoke definitely can.

Then I realized the First Order is going to be here in the morning.


"Rey, wake up." I said as I shook her. She sat straight up and looked around confused. "What! What! What!" She asked looking at me. "We need to go, now." I said very sternly as I got up and started getting our things together. She got up and walked towards me. "Why?" I turned around and put my hands around her shoulders. "The First Order." She gave me a confused look. "What? Its in the middle of the night."

"Last night, the vision, they're coming."

"Oh... well then we should probably go."

I grabbed BB-8 and we walked out of the tent and turned around and looked at it.
"Are you sure you have every thing?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, why."

"Stay here."

I sat BB-8 next to Rey and went behind the tent and grabbed a box then started walking back.

When I got back she was giving me a confused look. "This is why." I said as I opened the box. Inside was a bomb. "Ok, when I light this, run." She and BB-8 nodded and got into a running position.

I lit the torch and threw it at the tent and we all ran off as fast as we could.

The tent blew up, making a big explosion. We both were thrown about a good ten feet. I looked at Rey, who was to the left of me. "You okay," I asked. She got up and looked at me with a mad look. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?"

"I needed to destroy any trace of us, so the First Order can't find us."

"Oh, that's actually really smart."

I nodded and grabbed her hand. "Now let's go before they actually get here."


A couple of miles away, were little shops, where you could basically buy anything, including spacecrafts. I grabbed Rey's hand and swung it. She smiled at me and giggled while her cheeks were turning red. She is so adorable when she blushes. I could hear BB-8 making little beeps as we looked at each other. I looked around us to see if I could find a spacecraft shop. We walked for about another five minutes until I found the shop. We walked to the door and knocked.

Rey's POV

A man that looked as old as Kylo opened the door. He was taller, more built and cuter. He looked Kylo up and down. "What do you want?" He asked kinda rudely. Kylo wasn't scared of him. He could kill him in an instant. The guy opened the door even more and saw me. Before Kylo even could answer the guy said, "Come in."

I followed Kylo into the store and BB-8 followed me.. It was a small place. All there was, was a desk. "Umm.. Where are the ships?" I asked. He pointed to the door that lead outside. "Out there, I can't really fit thirty spacecrafts in here." I nodded and ran over to Kylo. "Do you have any fast, small ones that could leave right now?" Kylo asked.

"Yeah, there's one right here."

Then the guy walked outside and we followed. There was a TIE fighter. How did he get this? Where? I could see Kylo becoming confused as I was. "That's a TIE fighter. How did you get that?" He asked. The guy looked at the spacecraft and then back at us. "Found it buried in the sand of Jakku. There was no one inside. I'm guessing the pilot got away or was ejected from the seat. Anyway it's 500,000." Kylo's eyes widened. "500,000?!? No way." The guy shrugged. "Well then I guess no ship for you guys."

Kylo's POV

I wanted to say that it was mine to begin with. That it belongs to me and not him. I stepped forward about to give this guy a piece of my mind when Rey put her hand in front of me. Now see stranded in front of me facing the guy. "You will let us take the TIE fighter and get us some food." The guy straightened his back and looked down at Rey and smiled. "Anything for you, darling." Darling? Where did darling come from? If anything she's my darling. Rey just stood there while the guy was walking back to the store to get some food. She turned around."Well that was weird."

"Yeah, just a bit."

He came back into the store with a couple of bags and handed them to us. "Here yah go." He walked over to the TIE fighter and gestered to it with his hands. "Shall you go now." Rey stepped forward and looked at me and smiled. "We shall."

We both walked to the TIE fighter. "Here, I'll help you up." The guy said to Rey. I clenched my fist. Why is he helping her and not me? Why is she going along with it? I stepped forward and gave the guy my most disgusted look. "I think I can I do that myself," I said as I grabbed Rey waist and pushed her through the door. Then I grabbed BB-8 and put her up there and then I jumped in and closed the door while waving to the guy. Rey was already at the pilot seat. I put a hand on her chair and leaned on it. She looked up at me with dazzling eyes. "Where to now?" Rey said.

"I don't know."

"Let's go home, Ben."

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