Destined Love - Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen:

Two hours later, the party is in full swing and everyone appears to be having a great time, despite Cole's lack of enthusiasm about the idea. The food platters I set out earlier have all but been emptied, and only one esky of alcohol remains. From the moment I set out each food bowl, I've kept my distance from Ariella and watched her from afar, paying extra attention to the brown-haired amigo who has never left her side since they arrived.

For most of the night, I dance with sweaty chicas to keep my body at ease. But after a while, the girls grinding against my sides grow too clingy, and eventually I find myself back at Cole's table. Noticing that I'm a couple of chairs away from Ariella, I decide that now is a good time as any to find out more about her bodyguard.

While Cole and Sally swallow each other's tongues beside me, I discreetly slide my chair closer to Ariella. She smiles benignly at me as I lean across the small space towards her. Her soft, vanilla scent traces the taste buds on the tip of my tongue, and I physically force myself not to respond.

"So, what's this guy's name?" I nod towards her friend.

"Oh," she responds awkwardly, "this is Wes. Wes Hamilton."

Her cheeks warm to a light shade of pink at his name, and I feel my fists tighten at my sides.

"Nice to meet you. Kade, right?" He—Wes—holds out a hand in greeting.

Usually I would ignore a handshake or any type of physical gesture, but I need to size this guy up. So I reach out and firmly grab a hold of his hand. As our hands move in a strong shake, I pay close attention to how his hand holds onto mine—tight and firm; meaning, he's either nervous or over-confident, and by the looks of his self-assured grin, I'd say it's the latter.

Moments later, I tug my hand free and wipe it along my jeans. Wes leans back confidently in his chair, his arm still wrapped around Ariella's shoulders; she plays with a vibrant lock of red hair uncomfortably, as if she can feel the tension vibrating between us. To clear my dry throat, I take a long swig of my eighth beer until Wes directs me with a question.

"So, Ariella said that you're new to town. Where abouts are you from originally?"

I turn towards Ariella smugly. "You've been talkin' about me?"

She shrugs lightly, appearing casual. "I just mentioned that you were new, and that you're probably holding this party to meet more people. That's why Wes agreed to come when I offered."

"I'm a people-person," Wes explains. "Not a lot of visitors come to Melrose Cove, so it's nice to get a chance to meet someone new."

I nod uninterestedly. "Right."

He finishes off his can of Coke before smiling over at me. "Where are you from?"

"Here and there."

His eyebrows raise, as if interested. "Oh, so you travel a lot then?"

"No," I respond bluntly.


I finish off my beer and throw the bottle over my shoulder, where it lands on a grassy area beside a couple kissing. The backyard suddenly turns somewhat silent as the techno disc finishes playing. Most of the hombres don't seem to notice as they continue to dance with their women, oblivious to the lack of music for several moments. Cole's lips leave Sally's with reluctance as he stands up in stalks towards the stereo where he places in a random CD.

A mellow, but still up-beat song starts to burst from the speakers, and out the corner of my eye I notice Ariella's foot tapping to the beat in perfect rhythm. I smile as I realise it's time to start putting my plan into action, and so I stand up out of my chair and hold out a hand. Her aqua coloured eyes stare up at me in question, and I almost lose sight of what direction to take.

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