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"I'm going to need you to explain how you ended up breaking it off with Danielle." my mum said. Her, Harry, and I were all sat at the table in my house. Danielle had told her it was over and not to be mad at me after letting Harry and I have two weeks to prepare for her visit.

"I was at my bachelor party, I got way too drunk and ended up in bed with Harry. I ended up kicking Harry out the next morning after we woke up, only to have him return that evening to return the jacket I had given him by accident when he left. I ended up realizing I really liked him and we decided to try a relationship. I had already not wanted to marry Danielle, but it was for you, so I was going to go along with it. You said I can end it if I end up finding someone that I love before the wedding. I love Harry, mum. I ended it with Danielle so I can be with Harry. It felt wrong to sneak around behind her back. What the Fuck was I supposed to do?" I said, running a hand through my hair, exasperated.

"Language, Louis. I know you agreed on that stipulation, but why couldn't you just go through with it, honey?"

"And then what? Divorce Danielle within 24 hours So I could be with Harry? That's not fair to her, and you know it. Why are you pushing this so much?" I asked and we all sat in silence for a good minute or two.

"It was more of a wanting to win a bet, honestly." I gasped, apalled. Harry looked downright disgusted.

"A bet?" I whispered and mum looked away, ashamed.

"You see, Mark and I had a bet. I said you'd get married to a girl before you ever married a boy. He said you'd marry a boy before you'd ever marry a girl. This was back when you first came out to us. I'm sorry, Lou. I shouldn't have put your personal interests and wants behind my selfish need to win a bet." I sat in shock. Harry and mum were both giving me worried glances. A bet? All this suffering because of a stupid bet?

"How could you even do this to me?" I hissed, outraged. Mum flinched.

"I'm sorry. I can see this young man here makes you very happy. Please take good care of my son, Harry. He deserves happiness." my mum said looking close to tears. I felt a sense of warmth flood through me. I knew my mum wasn't evil or mean. Harry grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"I plan on making him happy for the rest of my life Mrs. Deakin." He said and mum smiled.

"Please, call me Jay. Again, I'm so sorry, Louis."

"I think I can forgive you, mum. Just, no more bets with Dad about my love life, alright?" I said giving her a weak smile. We stood up and hugged. She left wishing us her best.

"Loubear." Harry said, his eyes shining with happiness. I grinned up at him.

"Yes, Harold?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, you goof."


"Yes, Harry?"

"Will you marry me someday, Lou?" I smiled at him. It's barely been a month and he's got you completely whipped, Tomlinson.

"Of course, Curly." and then he kissed me.

You are one lucky bastard, Louis Tomlinson.


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