Chapter 2 Peter Pan

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Jessica POV

When the blond hair guy grabbed and he took me to Peter Pan. He told me that Pan wanted me and my brother. When we reach Pan, Pan already has Henry. Pan has dirty-blondish hair, but for one second it looked brown. He was a skinny boy and I wasn't going to deny that he was handsome, but I would never like him since he took me and my brother. And also ruined my family,

"Let's play!" Pan says with a smirk and then looks over at me.

Next, he looks back at Henry and Henry falls to the ground. I try to run to him but the blond hair's grip on me was very hard.

"Let me go!" I yell at him.

"Let her go, Felix. Let her go to her brother." He tells the blond hair guy.

I run to Henry to check on him; to see if he is alive. I check his pulse and he's breathing. I sigh but wonder what was going on with him.

I look up at Pan. "What did you do?" I says with anger.

"He's not dead. He just passed out." He answers.

"Why?" I ask bitterly.

"Because I needed him to be knocked out." He answers like I would know that. "Come on boys, lets take 'em to the campsite." I also notice he has a British accent.

They carry me and Henry to the campsite. I fall asleep like after so many minutes I couldn't count.

Peter Pan POV

"Why do you need the girl? I understand the boy but the girl?" Felix asks me.

"Together, her brother and her are the most powerful magic users ever. Maybe even more powerful than The Dark One. The girl is more powerful than she knows." I answer him, looking behind me and looking at her sleeping. Then look back up ahead.

"Isn't that a bad thing? She is the first girl since-"

"I don't need to be reminded of that. I already know she was the first girl for a long time." I say to him.

"How will she help you with the heart of the truest believer?" Felix asked.

"She will have to because she thinks that I would hurt her brother if she didn't do what I asked." I grinned. "And I want it that way. It makes everything for us easier."

"How do you know that?" Felix wondered.

"Because she thinks I will kill him before the night is over." I answer.

Emma POV

"You want us to rest while my son is in danger out there." Regina yells at Hook.

"And the darling Jessica, but yes. We need to rest if we want to defeat Pan." Hook says. Then leading the way to where we could sleep.

"Hey, you alright?" Snow asked.

"Yeah, I'm just wondering if Jessica and Henry are okay. What if one of them dies before we make it?" I say out loud.

"No one is gonna die here. Have faith." She says with a smile.

Then we catch up to everyone. Everyone is setting up for some sleep. Most of them fall asleep right away, but it takes me a while. After I do, it feels like a few minutes later I hear cries, children's cries. I pull out the sword Hook gave me that belonged to Neal and go away from the camp. I was being careful; who knows what is on this island.

"Are you lost?" Says a British voice behind me but it wasn't Hook.

I look behind me and see a boy with strange clothing.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Peter. Peter Pan." He answers with a smile.

Then I push him against a tree with my sword at his neck. I was going to make this guy pay even if it was the last thing I would do.

"Where's Henry and Jessica?" I ask.

"With me, of course." He says with a grin.

"Don't make me ask again! Where's my son? Where is my daughter?" I say, starting to get annoyed.

"But she isn't your daughter. She was abandoned by the people who gave life to her." He tells me.

"She is as good as mine." I am getting really annoyed with Pan.

"But did you adopt her? No the Evil Queen did!" He was such a know it all.

"Why are you here?" I was about to chop his head off.

"I came here to give you a map to find them both." He answers seriously.

I couldn't take him seriously. He wanted me to find them both? How could I believe him when all he has been doing is grinning and smirking and getting on my nerves in the 2 minutes I've known him.

He hands me a blank piece of parchment.

"I want you to find Henry and Jessica." He answers serious, again.

"How do I know if this is a trick or not?" I question.

He chuckles. "I may not be the most behaved boy on this island, but I always keep my promises."

"It's blank." I point out.

"The map will show you the way once you stop denying who you really are." He informs me.

I look down at it and stare for a minute. What if he was just tricking me to side track me from finding my family?

But I always keep my promises, his voice said in my head.

When I look up I realize he was gone. He left without saying another word, he just came to tell me about a map. Now all I had to do was to stop denying who I really was.

Jessica POV

When I woke up, we were already at Pan's campsite. He threw me in a room, where it was dark, but Henry was out there sleeping on the ground. I couldn't see anything in here; it was like I was in darkness and would never find my way out. After a while, I gave up that I would get out of here and be with my brother. He needed me as much as I needed him; he was my strength.

"I want to talk." Says Pans voice.

"What?" I said annoyed.

"We need to talk about you and your brother, Henry." Pan answers while torches start to burn.

"I'm not talking about me or my brother, unless it's about us leaving the island." I tell him.

"But you can't leave, I need you and Henry." He says seriously, for the first time.

"Why do you need Henry so badly?" I question.

"I need him because he's special." He answers as I already know that. I did think he was special but I think me and Pan are thinking different ways of special.

"I know!" I say. I hate this guy so much.

"You don't get it. He has the heart of the truest believer." He replies.

"So? What's so special about that? A lot of kids believe in things until they grow up." I say.

"But it's different, I need him and you. And by the end of this week, you'll see why." He says. I look into his eyes and all I see is darkness.


Second chapter! Hope you like it! Thanks for reading my story and the votes!!!!




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