Survey # 7 :D .

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Survey # 7 loll ! Let's have some fun dawgs !

- Love, Katarina[:!

Survey # 7 :


who is your best friend? - Kieli . 

who do you like? - Some things shouldn't be answered over the internet .

who is your mom? - Anna .

who owns your house? - My mom and dad .

who bought you the clothes your wearing? -My mom .

who is at your house? - My whole family .

who loves you? - Everyone <3 !

who said hey to you today? - Alexa , Kaitlyn , Charli, Kieli, and some others .

who are you talking to right now? - Well , I was talking to Charli but , I think she fell asleep .

who was your ex-boy/girlfriend? - SKIP loll .


what town do you live in? - I'm not telling creepos is probably watching .

what are your pet peeves? - When people think they're right and then I say 10 reasons as to why they're not and they're like oh I don't remember or something retarded like that .

what are you wearing? - pajama pants wuth laptops that are wearing nerd glasses and a strike zone fishing shirt .

what do your teeth look like? - Well , they're teeth with braces on top]: .

what are you doing in an hour? - I wouldn't be surprised if I was doing more of these . 

what is your middle name? - Paige .. ew quit laughing !

what is your deepest secret? - Why would I put my deepest secret on here ?

what are you doing tomorrow? - idk yet .

what is your boy/girlfriends middle name? - SKIP loll . 

what is in this for you? - um , my fans get to read a nice survey about me :D .

what is your favorite thing(s) to do? - wattpad .

what are you sitting on? - a chair ?


where are you at right now? - my room .

where were you at at 12 noon today? - in my house having christmas .

where is your toothbrush at? - the bathroom ..

where do you sleep? - in a bed like anyone else .

where do you live? - CREEPOS ALERT !

where were you at at 7pm yesterday? - my house .

where is your boy/girl friend? - SKIP loll .

where are your parents? - my dad is playing skyrim and my mom is asleep .

where did you put your bookbag? - next to my dresser .

where do you keep your socks? - in my top drawer .


when was your first kiss? - SKIP loll .

when are you getting a job? - when I wanna .

when did you graduate? - I haven't yet .

when will you grow up? - IDK ?!

when are you going to call your friend? - uh tomorrow ?

when did you get home last night? - like 6 .

when are you going to stop taking surveys? - wow , this questions totally fits & NEVAA !

when was the last time you had a fruit smoothie? - a while ago . 

when are you getting married? - idk ?


why are you taking this? - ' cause my fellow wattpadders deserve to know about me.

why are you weird? - EXCUSE ME ?!

why are you wearing what your wearing right now? - because it's comfy .

why dont you have friends? - i do ..

why cant you get a boy/girl friend? - that was just cruel ..

why do you live where your at? - ' cause .


how do you fix your hair?  - idk ? loll .

how are the kids? - wha kids ? ( yes I ment to say wha . )

how many hours do you spend on the computer? - a lot .

That was fun ! and i just found two really good ones yay ! Love you <3!

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