Chapter 22 - It's For Luck

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Merlin turns the corner and sprints as fast as he can down the hall, letting the strange voice in his head coax him forward towards his destination.

"You're almost there young warlock. Just a bit further."

Merlin quickens his pace, rounding another corner before he stops at the top of the staircase. He looks down into the abyss, feeling an immense amount of ancient magic pouring forth from the darkness.

"Do not be afraid. I will not hurt you."

Merlin takes in a deep breath and grabs a torch off the wall. He clutches the sword tightly to his chest as he makes his way down the steps, wondering who is at the bottom.

He had heard the voice in his head when he was atop the battlements, worrying over what to do about the incoming skeletons. His magic couldn't hurt them and as far as he could tell neither did any sort of weapon. He was out of options and out of ideas. That was when the voice had whispered into his ear, telling him to head down to the lowest part of the castle with a sword. Normally, if a random voice started talking to him through his mind he would try and ignore it, but the promise the voice had made about having a way to defeat the skeletons had made him reconsider. He had heard the voice speaking to him before and it never seemed to want to cause him any harm, and if they wanted to help who was he to stop them? And that is how he ended up alone as he heads down to who knows where.

When he finally reaches the end of the staircase he can feel his heart pounding in his chest. Every sound sends all the nerves in his body leaping in fear as he continues down the small tunnel. He stiffens when he hears chains clinking nearby and he's almost ready to turn tail and run, but the thought of what the voice has promised makes him continue on.

As the tunnel opens up Merlin can't keep the awe from showing on his face. Stalactites hang from the ceiling of the cavern, seeming to threaten to pierce anyone who dares to walk under them. There's a large pit a few feet in front of him and he has to take a step back in fear of falling over the edge. In the centre of the cavern a large stone protrudes out of the abyss. There's nothing on the rock except a large chain that's bigger than him leading into the hole.

Merlin tries to peer over the edge, wondering where the chain leads to but only manages to see darkness. He looks around him, now questioning where the owner of the voice is. He doesn't see anyone.

Feeling disappointed and frustrated the warlock turns to leave. He's an idiot to think that a random voice could help him. Just as he's about to re-enter the tunnel wind starts to whip though his hair. He turns around in time to see a creature soar into the air from the darkness, circling once over the protruding rock before perching on the stone. As the creature settles its large wings Merlin simply stares in shock. A dragon. There's a dragon underneath the castle of Camelot.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, young warlock," the dragon says with a smirk.

"Um... a pleasure to meet you too? Who are you?" he asks, surprised that his voice came out at all.

The dragon chuckles at his response, amusement flashing in its ancient eyes as it regards him. "I am known as many things, boy. The Great Dragon, for example, but you may call me Kilgharrah."

"I'm Merlin," he says, about to extend a hand but remembering that the dragon didn't exactly have any, "Or Emrys, as some call me."

"I know who you are, young warlock. I have known for a long time as your rise has been foretold by many, but let us skip the formalities. There are much more pressing matters to discuss would you not agree?"

With the mention of the ongoing siege Merlin pushes the awe out of his mind. There will be time after the battle to speak with the dragon. Right now he needs to accomplish what he came down to the cavern for. "You said you know how to defeat those skeletons. So tell me how."

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