Chapter 14 - A Story of Betrayal

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Merlin's eyes widen with fear as the guards behind Agravaine surge forward. They grab each of his arms roughly, starting to pull him out of the room and towards the dungeons. He struggles in their grip, hoping to break free only to no avail, their hands hold firm.

"What right have you to arrest him? He has done nothing wrong!" Merlin hears his mother shout from somewhere behind him. She tries to lurch forward to attack the men holding her son only for Gaius to push her back, keeping a firm hand on Hunith as she tries desperately to reach for the warlock.

Merlin glances back, his heart wrenching in his chest at the sight of his mother's tearful face. He can see Gaius whispering something into her ear while she continues to struggle, her expression is filled with pain as she glares daggers at the smirking noble.

"Your son is under arrest for the use of sorcery and enchantments. Now if you will excuse me," Agravaine says, pushing Merlin from the room, hardly sparing the grieving mother a second glance. He stops by the door turning back to face the room. "I do apologize for the trouble," he says, giving the physician a bow, "we'll take our leave now."

He turns and leaves the room, slamming the door shut behind him. The smile remains on his face as he looks the boy up and down as though he were assessing his latest prey. His lips curl up into a sneer as he starts down the hall, gesturing for the knights behind him to follow.

Merlin scowls towards Agravaine's back as he's dragged through the halls. He grits his teeth with anger as he tries to keep his magic at bay. He can feel the thrum of energy inside him, the rush of power that's threatening to seep out and attack. He's tempted to let it loose, to allow his magic to hurl these men against the wall and run, but the last thing he should do is give Agravaine any more evidence to his claims. Even now, he's unsure how the man found out. Did he see him casting the fire spell after all? If he had why did he do nothing until now? Does Arthur know? The last thought makes a shiver run up his spine. He's not ready to face the king, not ready to tell him the truth.

He's thrown into one of the cells a few moments later, wincing when the rocks dig into his knees and palms. He hears the metal door shut behind him with a loud thud, the lock clicking into place as Agravaine and the guards take their leave.

Merlin groans, shifting to lean up against the wall. He glances about, taking in his new, hopefully temporary, home. The stones surrounding him are damp and seem almost black in the dimness. A small grate is imbedded in the wall behind him, letting in a minimal amount of light from the setting sun. There's straw spread across the ground for him to lie on, but after having spotted a rat scurry under the bundle he'd rather stay away in fear of being bitten. The metal rods in front of him bar him from the hall where two guards are seated around a wooden table. They keep their eyes on him at all times, gazes nervous as their shaking hands rest on the hilts of their swords.

Merlin sighs, rolling his eyes at them as he tries to make himself comfortable on the floor of the cell. He crosses his arms on his chest, lying his head on the rough stone. His brow furrows as he continues shifting in his spot, unable to find a decent position. He heaves another sigh as he thinks back to last night. He already misses the softness of Arthur's bed under his head and the warmth of the king's hand in his own as he sleeps.


The warlock winces as they strange voice decides to contact him again. He groans, lifting a hand up to his head.


The voice continues to beckon him, urging him to move. Merlin only turns around, facing the wall now as he shuts his eyes, hoping to block out the mutters from the voice in his head.


"Good morning, sire," A voice says beside him.

Arthur groans, turning over in his bed to face away from the morning sun that filters through the glass. He pulls the pillow over his ears. "Shut up, Merlin," he mutters.

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