Chapter 3 - His Royal Prat

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The paths leading through the small village are crowded at this time of day. The clouds obscure the sky above, leaving little sun to shine down onto the growing crops. Farmers work the fields regardless. They pick the weeds, and tend to the plants, hoping to finish the days work before the rain begins to fall while the children laugh through the streets. Their joyful voices fill the air as they scurry about the village, dodging behind carts or stacks of wood to hide from their parents to avoid work.

Merlin hums to himself as he strolls through the winding streets. A contented smile on his face as he takes in the fresh, spring air. He twirls out of the way of some passing children as they chase each other down the path, chuckling to himself at their energy. He'd love to have such a carefree life again. 

Ealdor is quiet, as it usually is. The most trouble they ever got into was when Kanen and his gang of raiders attacked the village, demanding the years harvest. Thankfully, Merlin had been there to rid the bandits from the village, sending them dashing back towards the safety of the forest with a quick wave of his hand. Thankfully, the villagers had taken the news rather lightly considering they had just learned a sorcerer resided in their village, then again, said sorcerer had just saved their lives and no one could complain. He admits, he had been afraid of what the people would say. They lived relatively close to Camelot and it wouldn't be odd for the kingdom's beliefs to have rubbed off on the people. Nevertheless, they welcomed him home with open arms, some even treating him with much higher regard than they used to.

Now, Merlin is relatively loved in his village, being known by some as their protector. The children enjoyed seeing his spells, whether it was from watching him conjure butterflies or felling a tree, they loved to tag along and watch. 

Though Merlin had to admit, he still had plenty to learn. Gaius, his mentor, only came around every few months. The old man would always bring with him new magical texts for the boy to study and check on his progress with magic before heading back to Camelot, where the king seemed to keep him busy as Court Physician. Merlin loves Gaius. The physician had grown to become a father figure over the years and Merlin looked up to him as any child would. He always felt himself become giddy with excitement when his mother informed him Gaius would be coming in a few days. He hasn't seen the man for over two months now and he misses him already. He hopes he can come again soon. 

Merlin opens the door to his home, giving his mother a beaming smile as he enters the room.

"How has your day been, Merlin?" his mother asks with a smile as she moves about their tiny kitchen, pulling pots and pans from the cupboards.

"Just the usual," Merlin grins and grabs his spell book from the trunk by his bedroll, "Will needed me to help him catch the chickens that escaped."

Hunith looks over to him, giving a small chuckle. "Again?"

Merlin laughs, "Yes, again. Apparently, they attacked him in his sleep."

Hunith lets out a laugh before turning back to her cooking. "I hope he didn't get hurt. Those chickens can be quite fierce."

"His face was scratched up, but he seemed to be fine otherwise," Merlin says, settling down on the bench by the dining table and cracking open his spell books. He flips to the page he had last been reading.

Hunith turns to look at him, "Oh, before you begin, could you run an errand for me?"

Merlin looks up from his book, shutting it. "Of course, anything."

"It seems we're out of mushrooms. Could you head into the forest and pick some?"

Merlin smiles, tossing the book back into his room. He walks over beside her, grabbing the basket off the shelf above her. "You know you don't have to ask."

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