chapter 8

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"Come on then!" Atticus called out. "We're running out of time and I'm gonna kill those psychos for taking MY LITTLE SISTER!" eh then growled suddenly and looked very viciously protective.

"Wait, we should split up." Super Power Man said as he stood up.

"Okay, who goes where then?" Joia asked as she came to join the others as she had a feeling that something was wrong since her creator was upset.

"Atticus?" Patch asked since he was the one usually for the plan.

"Okay, okay, let me think..." Atticus said. "Don't interrupt me."

"HURRRRYYYY UUUUP!" Cherry shook Atticus violently, somehow being able to.

"CHERRY, STOP SHAKING HIM!" Drell's voice said.'

"Aw, crap..." Cherry had an anime sweat drop.

"We already have a plan." Hilda's voice said.

"You do?" Atticus asked.

Drell and Hilda then appeared right behind Cherry.

Drell grinned eerily and put his hand on Cherry's shoulder. "What did I tell you about shaking Atticus...?"

Cherry screamed and tried to run away from him.

"Oh, no, you don't." Drell smirked as he stopped her from going anywhere.

"Please make this as painless as possible..." Cherry begged.

"Now, let's get a plan in motion, shall we?" Drell wrapped his arms around Cherry tightly.

"So what is the plan?" Joia asked.

"Come here..." Drell said as Hilda gestured for them to come over.

They then went over the plan together as the sun was nearly coming down. And where everyone began to understand the plan.

"Aaaand BREAK!" Drell then called like a football coach.

The group soon broke into two teams.

"I have a question?" Cherry spoke up.

Drell sighed. "What?"

"Why am I live bait?" Cherry asked.

"Because you are perfect for the job." Drell said.

"Yeah, but--" Cherry tried to speak up.

Drell snapped his fingers and zipped her lips shut with a smirk.

"Drell." Hilda glared.

"H-H-Hilda...?" Drell shivered instantly.

"Unzip her lips this instant." Hilda said.

"She just ate some peanut butter." Drell lied.

"Drell, do it, or no Hildy Love." Hilda threatened.

Drell unzipped Cherry's lips then.

"Thank you." Cherry said.

"Okay, now come here...." Hilda held Drell and made out with him noisily.

Cherry's eyes widened and she stuck her tongue out with an eye twitch as Drell and Hilda made out violently with each other, feeling deeply aroused with each other. Atticus and his group went back to the apartment while the other group went towards Foster's.

"Mrs. Snyder, are you home?" Atticus called out and jiggled the doorknob. "Okay, Mac must be in his closet now..." he then reached into his pocket to take out his spare key for the apartment. "Now, where's my key?"

Cherry Goes to Foster's Home for Imaginary FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now