chapter 7

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The next day...

"We should rush back to Foster's." Mo said.

"We have to wait until the bell rings in the elementary school." Cherry reminded.

"By the way, Super Power Man, I know this is kind of embarrassing for me since I was the one that created you, but what's your weakness again?" Atticus asked the imaginary superhero.

"My weakness?" Super Power Man replied. "You mean you don't remember? You created me!"

Atticus smiled shyly with a shrug. "It's not spinach or broccoli, is it?"

"No, it's neither of those," Super Power Man said. "I'll give you a hint: it's the same weakness of Superman."

"I figured," Atticus replied. "I used to read Superman comics all the time next to those books in the orphanage library."

The elementary school bell soon rang. Mac rushed outside with Darla.

"Sorry we're late, guys, but there was an assembly!" Darla told them.

"It's alright, let's just get going." Cherry said.

Mac and Darla rushed ahead of everyone to get to Foster's since they were running a little late today.

However, as they were going...

"Hey, bro, whatya know?" Terrance smirked as he jumped out of the bushes in front of his little brother.

"Terrance!" Mac gasped.

"What do you want?" Atticus glared.

"Yeah, aren't you supposed to be something stupid somewhere else?" Casper glared at Terrance.

Cherry snickered. "Good one."

"Let us go, you big bully!" Darla glared at Terrance and kicked her legs high in the air to get his face.

The only place of Terrance's body Darla got was his shin.

"OW!" Terrance yelled out and dropped her and Mac.

"CLOSE ENOUGH!" Darla called as she got out of his way. "Now move, we have to go and NOW!"

"Yeah, we're really busy..." Mac sounded nervous, not wanting to tell Terrance about Foster's because then he would tell their mother.

"Yeah or else." Casper threatened the black-haired boy.

"Or else what?" Terrance scoffed.

"Terrance, not now!" Mac frowned.

"Come on, let me be a good big brother and walk you home." Terrance pushed Mac away from the mansion with a slight limp due to Darla kicking his shin. He soon bumped into Super Power Man who didn't get knocked down due to his superior strength and height and size.

Darla backed away until Duchess grabbed her in the bushes and covered her mouth. The little girl muffled and struggled while looking nervous to her imaginary friend.

"I knew it was you..." Duchess sneered to her creator. "I can't believe you abandoned me for a real family! You could have whatever you wanted and you just deserted me!"

"You were being too demanding, you wanted us to live in France and nowhere else because you thought that all of those other countries were no good for us!" Darla glared.

"Exactly!" Duchess glared back. "We could've had the times of our lives! What is wrong with France?!"

"I don't wanna live in France with you, I wanna stay here with my new family!" Darla struggled to get free. "Now let me go!"

Cherry Goes to Foster's Home for Imaginary FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now