Sister Broken

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I thought you were better
I guess I was wrong
We met and we became so close
Best friends no more like sisters
I trusted you
Confined in you
Spilled my heart and soul
And you betrayed me
A stab in the back and no explanation
That's all I got
A broken heart a sad soul
A forgotten friend a lost sister
A broken bond
An angry soul and a bitter heart
Maybe a memory perhaps forgotten lost
Erased from my mind
Erased from my heart
Still can't believe it years lost just like that in  a blink of an eye
I learned my lesson be careful who I  trust
You'll  turn around and stab me with a knife with words anything you can
You'll  leave me bleeding
You'll  leave me to die
Correction you did it
You broke my heart
I'm sister broken and there is no turning back.

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