for granted

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You try and you try
As hard as you can
Yet people don't notice
They take you for granted
They act as your friend
They think they know you
You think you know them
Then you turn around
Knife after knife they stab you in the back
Not once or twice but multiple times
Now let me ask you this question
How many knives have you pulled out
They don't know about you
Your pain or your story
You mask it you hide it
They never once notice
They don't know your struggles
They don't know your problems
They take you for granted
They put you down
They boss you around
They help eachother they leave you behind
Your heart is pure gold
You care about others
You easily forgive but you never forget
You think of everyone else
Except for yourself
No you're not nice you are just dumb
You know it you see it
Yet you let it happen
They take you for granted

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