chapter 12

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George eventually heard Ted's voice and wanted to be let out of the room to see the man. Patch decided to go after him. The press surrounded Ted as he was talking about finding and discovering the idol very nervously.

"Hey, hey, hey, guys!" Mr. Bloomsberry's son spoke up. "Remember why we're here, we're here for the idol."

"George, please stop." Patch whispered.

The people were demanding to see the idol as Ted hesitated to show it to them.

"George, please stop." Patch whispered as he tried to stop the monkey.

The curious little monkey smiled once he saw the man in the yellow hat and decided to climb up the dinosaur skeleton to get closer to him.

"No!" Patch whispered loudly. He soon groaned before going after George.

Ted soon spotted George from behind the crowd interviewing him which made him incredibly nervous. "Oh, no, no, that's not a good idea!" he then said aloud into the microphone as George climbed up the bones.

Patch soon put his paw to his muzzle to tell Ted to be quiet so then no one would see George. Ted was too overly worried which then made Mr. Bloomsberry take over the interview as George kept climbing up with Patch following him.

"George, please stop." Patch whispered.

George came to the top of the skull and waved to Ted with a laugh.

"Bad idea! Bad idea!" Ted yelped. "Monkey, no!"

The bones then started to crack underneath the monkey and puppy's feet. Ted yelped and ran over to the dinosaur skeleton as the people then turned and snapped pictures of him.

"Uh-oh..." Patch said.

The bones then started to fall as Ted tried to keep the skeleton standing, but it appeared to be no use.

"Oh, crud." Patch frowned before he howled out to his master which was Atticus.

Atticus zipped out the door and put his hand to his ear while following Patch's howl. And where he soon found Patch and George as he saw the dinosaur skeleton coming apart. "WHOA!" he then rushed over.

Ted yelped as the dinosaur skeleton was close to crumbling, falling apart, and hitting the floor.

"Quick, you've got to help me keep this dinosaur skeleton from crumbling down." Ted said to Atticus.

Atticus rushed over to help Ted with the bones as George looked worried as he and Patch were about to fall. Patch soon grabbed onto George. The press people snapped more photographs after the roughing and bony landing.

"Wow, I didn't see that coming." Junior smirked as he stood beside his father.

Mr. Bloomsberry looked distraught and the people then noticed George and wanted pictures of him now.

"Uh-oh..." Patch said.

Ted glanced at George who merely smiled sheepishly in return. Junior then took Ted and George out the door and locked them out of the museum. Atticus and the others soon joined them.

"Sorry, Ted, you brought back the monkey, but just the one nobody cared out." Junior smiled evilly as he shut them out of his father's museum.

"I so want to punch his lights out." Atticus said.

"You and me both." Cherry actually agreed.

"What now?" Theodore asked as he looked up to see Ted wasn't there anymore.

"Where'd he go?" Brittany looked around for Ted.

Cherry then saw Ted in the telephone booth and he was trying to call animal control to come take George away.

Cherry Meets Curious GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now