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There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired lonely place
Walls of insecurity,
Shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you


December 3rd


After flipping through all the channels on the TV for a good twenty minutes to try and find something worth watching I end up finding nothing. There was absolutely nothing on. So I make the screen go black and set the remote next to me on the couch.

I lean myself back into the couch and rub my face. My fingers run through my hair before I slowly bring myself up to my feet and walk my way to the kitchen. I grab a beer from the fridge and pop off the lid. The cold liquid runs down my throat as I bring the rim of the bottle up to my lips and take a large gulp.

"I'm so bored." I say out loud for no one in particular to hear but myself since there was only myself living in this small house.

I'm bored all the time and I usually don't mind it. But today it was irking me that I couldn't find anything to do with my time.

I thought about starting a new sketch but I'm beginning to run out of paper in my sketch pad and I didn't have any other ones to use. I need to go out and buy some more supplies before I run out of everything, but then there's the problem of me not having the money to actually go out and do that. So drawing was out of the question for a little while. The thought of taking a nap for a few hours crosses my mind, and I was totally up for it since I had nothing better to do.

With my beer in my hand I make my way to my bedroom and flop down on the mattress. I was going to go straight to sleep until I decided that I should scroll through my phone for awhile.

I pulled my phone out and head into my messages first thing. I wasn't expecting to see any new messages, but when I saw that I had gotten a new text message from the group chat that I had with the boys I was surprised.

Niall: Anyone interested in going to Nando's for dinner...say around six?

Louis: You just want to go there for the happy hour that starts at six.

Niall: Not true!

Niall: I actually wanted to just see you guys. We haven't hung out in a while, ya know?

Harry: I'm up for it.

Louis: I thought we had plans tonight though, babe? :/

Harry: We do, but Niall is right. We haven't seen all of each other in a while and I think we should take a raincheck on tonight to hangout with everybody.

Liam: Can't go one day without your man's dick, Louis? Lol

Louis: Shut it, Payno.

Niall: So then are you guys up for it?

Liam: I'm up for it.

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