It was just a prank.

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"C'mon Louis. Why won't you do it?" Liam whined. Liam was trying to get Louis to pull a prank on Niall.

"Because Liam, Zayn said if we do anything more, we'd get the strap AND I'm still sore from my last one.." Louis said rubbing his bottom.

Liam rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Please, I doubt that he'll use it. Now, are you doing it or not!?" Liam asked once more. 

"Ugh fine. I don't even want to do this though!" Louis whined.

"If you're going to start acting like Niall, then fine. Leave." Liam was annoyed clearly and Louis shook his head.

"No, we're partners in crime. I'm with ya." Louis fist pumped Liam and they got to work.


The plan was to put oil on the floor and then Niall will knock into a pile of feathers making him fall down into shaving cream.

The two boys got it all ready and went inside Liam's room to see what was going to happen.

The two were peeking waiting for Niall to arrive in his room.


"AHHHHH, MY FOOT OWW!" Niall was crying in pain.

Liam and Louis rushed out of their room to see Niall laying on the floor wincing in pain.

"What is going on?! Nialler, are you ok!?" Harry screamed as he saw Niall in pain.

"What happened!? Did someone rob the house!?" Zayn ran upstairs with a bat ready to hit someone.

"My foot! Harryyy!" Niall cried in pain.

Liam and Louis looked at each other in guilt.

"Okay, I want to know who put oil on the floor. Right NOW. " Zayn boomed.


"Liam and Louis. Get over here." Zayn hissed.

"How do you know it was us?" Liam was back talking to Zayn. Not the right thing to do.

"Because you two were the ones upstairs. Niall was down with us." Zayn said cockingly.

"I'm sorry, it was just a prank!" Louis cried.

"Well, Niall's hurt! Harry, can you take Niall downstairs and put some ice on him? I gotta go deal with these two." Zayn said angrily.

Harry nodded taking Niall gently in his arms and took him downstairs.


"Both of you, bend over the bed now. Do NOT make me wait." Zayn said while he got out the strap.

Liam and Louis bared themselves and bent themselves over the bed.

"I really don't understand you guys. I warned you. I WARNED YOU about you guys getting the strap and you still do it!" Zayn said smacking the strap 10 times on each of the boys bared bottom.

"Ahh, i-i'm sorry!" Louis was gripping on the sheets trying not to cry.

"Are you sorry Liam?" Zayn said making a pink mark on Liam's bottom.


"ARE. YOU. SORRY. LIAM." Zayn said smacking Liam's thighs.

"Agh, y-yes!" Liam cried.

"You two are grounded for the next two weeks. No phone, no tv, no laptop and you'll each get a bedtime spanking for the time that you're grounded. You'll also be getting extra chores. Is that understood?" Zayn said smacking the boys bottom with every word.

"Y-YES SIR!" Louis sobbed.

"Liam, is that clear?" Zayn stopped smacking Louis' bottom but continued on Liams.

"I'll keep going on you till you answer. Is that understood young man?" Zayn kept going.

"Y-YES, J-JUST PLEASE STOP!" Liam finally screamed out.

Zayn threw the strap to the floor and stood the two of them up. The two boys picked up their clothing and hissed as the clothes came in contact with their bottoms.

"C'mere boys." Zayn hugged them both squeezing them.

"We're sorry." Liam and Louis whispered.

"I know babes. C'mon, let's go downstairs and cuddle with Haz and Ni." Zayn said lifting both boys up and carrying them downstairs.


Niall was laying with Harry with ice on his foot.

"We're so sorry Niall! Please forgive us!" Liam and Louis cried as they ran up to Niall.

"It's ok guys. I forgive you." Niall smiled and hugged them back.

"Oh boys, you'll be cleaning up Niall's room tomorrow." Zayn reminded them.

The night ended with movies and cuddling.


Niall had a plan though.

It's time he was the older one. 

He was going to make sure Liam and Louis never ever mess with him again.

yay another chapter updated!!


comment more ideas please!

love you all !






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