the end

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let me just say it out loud.

this is just as emotional for me as it is for you guys.

i am also mad that this is ending and i also feel the overwhelming urge to cry but it had to end someday right?

i can't tell you the impossible amount of times i have been paranoid regarding this book, how many times i have even considered deleting the whole thing, but still treat it like my baby.

either way, snapchat was a ridiculous journey. from march 6th to august 6th, the 5 months have been nothing but incredibly amazing.

the amount of support i've gotten on this book is actually insane. i never thought that people would be reading my stuff, and it's not because i just assumed that. its because i know.

this wasn't my first book on wattpad, even though it was my first 'phan' book.

around two years ago i was a major directioner, and decided to write a book on niall horan. i worked so hard on it but it was a mere cliché, not that poorly written but still very mainstream. my hopes were crushed when i got out two whole books of around 100 chapters each? and only around 10 people read it.

i was fed up with wattpad then and decided to quit it forever and never come back to it, but then i started watching dan and phil and i shipped them so ridiculously that i had to read fanfictions about them.

i remember when this book got the first reader, it was my now internet best friend, ultrcn who has always inspired and motivated me to keep on writing. i can't tell you the amount of times i go to her and ask her whether this or that chapter is okay, or whether i should completely quit writing.

she is currently, one of my only support systems and i love her to pieces and even though it has been only a mere five months since we've been talking, i can't possibly be sane without talking to her.

somewhere in between these five months my father had taken away my devices and we couldn't talk to each other at all and i remember how fucking desperate we were to speak to one another. she has always helped me through things, and she has always stayed even though i shut her out sometimes. if i thought i had an actual best friend before her, i was probably wrong, because i don't think i have ever had a relationship like that.

i love you, you talented loser.

anyways, enough about that hoe, let's talk about snapchat!

so i always wanted to get out a book that people would probably like to read, something original? something people haven't read before? snapchat wasn't that much of an original idea, i just thought it would be a cute story with around 50 chapters and end with dan and phil marrying each other.

when i started writing it all broke down. like all the ideas i had, started crumbling and i constantly judged myself thinking 'why would people read my book if it was similar to all the others out there????'

so then the book took a turn from fluffy to angst. i wanted my readers to experience the feeling of actually ripping out their hair when they were dying of emotions or make their heart do the flippy thing when they read something adorable.

i wanted this book to be a full on roller coaster and i wanted people to enjoy the ride.

i'm not going to lie, i myself do go back and read some chapters of snapchat and give myself a whiplash when i see dan or phil doing something irrational. i literally have to stop myself from editing it and making everything happy.

long story short, snapchat was a wild ride. and i loved writing it for you guys. i love each one of my readers, each one of you who comments sweet and funny things that makes my day just a little bit more and i don't know how to thank you guys enough.

hopefully you'd miss the notification saying "rickyblitzz updated snapchat" as much as i will miss clicking the 'publish' button.

i know i'm gonna completely break down when i push the button saying "completed" and snapchat will officially end.

this was the most fun, i've ever had.

i love you guys

i'm crying


check out my other fics:


if you wanna talk:
•snapchat- @riickyblitz
•twitter- @riickyblitz
•ig- @riickyblitz
•kik- @dilhowlter69
•or just private message me
who the fuck cares

sayonara amigos, au revoir!

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