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dan shot a small smile towards his mother, who looked as if she's seen a ghost and glanced strangely at the nostalgic looking man beside her. he was pale, extremely pale and his hair was jet black. he looked older than dan, but either way dan thought he was attractive.

"dan!" the man's voice was deep and grainy as he took long strides towards dan, pushing past the burly men in front of him and grabbing dan's face between his cold hands. dan flinched from the stranger's touch, pushing against his chest and staring unbelievingly at his guts. how dare he touch him? for all dan knows he could be a murderer.

"what the hell!" dan retracted, taking a few steps away and raising his arms in front of him.

"dan? are you okay?" phil was overwhelmed, tears threatening to spill from his eyes at dan's cold dismissal. he didn't care though. he will not leave this time before making sure that everything is okay between them.

"who the hell are you to ask? and how do you know my name?" dan was confused by the way a sobbing stranger was greeting him like that, instead of his mother. did he really not know the guy? is he forgetting something?

"what?" phil was taken aback from dan's response, tears falling freely from his eyes. he missed dan so much.

"please get away from me," dan murmured, annoyed with the sudden drama, pushing past phil to walk into his house again. all the while, the men he had come here with were standing back with a smile on their face watching their exchange as if they expected this to happen. what the hell is going on?

"dan please, i'm sorry," phil desperately caught onto his arm, electricity running through his veins from the contact. dan turned around to face him, examining the tight hold phil had on his arm and sighed out loud, taking his arm back harshly.

"what do you-"

"excuse me young man, what do you think you are doing?" one of the men interrupted, walking towards phil. they could not risk them talking for that long, dan can't be exposed to his past.

"you know him?" the man with the green eyes questioned, knowing the answer.

"i-i don't think so," dan mumbled nervously, glancing at phil again who was wildly wiping his eyes, staring back at dan with his cheeks flushed. the second dan looked into his eyes, which were bluer than ever before, a sharp pain shot through his brain, his body almost failing to reflex as his knees got weak. he shook his head violently, trying to push out the blinding white colour behind his eyelids and stared at phil one last time before turning his back. who was that boy and what did he have to do with dan.

"dan what are you saying!" phil yelled, his voice cracking but dan tried to block out his voice.

"stop!" phil screamed again as the man with black hair held his arms behind his back, the man with green eyes leading dan inside the house.

"what is wrong with you dan, i love you!" and that's when dan turned around with wide eyes and phil received a harsh blow against his face.

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