Little Pasha

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The song above makes me think of Anton. It was in an edit of him on vine. And I cry every time😭😭😭 I also cried writing Pavel with his son😭💔😭💔

Zaylee's POV:
I woke up to my 4 year old son giggling. Pavel's face was buried into the pillows on our bed. I walked into the hallway where Jess was playing hide and seek with Milo. "Where are you Milo?" She asked. Milo giggled and Jess' son Gray sat on the laptop in the living room. "Where could Milo be?" Jess asked, putting her hands on her hips.

I giggled and walked to the kitchen

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I giggled and walked to the kitchen. I began to make breakfast and I heard a scream. Jess said "I gotcha!" Milo screamed happily and I said "Jess get you?" Milo nodded eagerly making his curls bounce up and down like his father. "Where's papa?" Milo asked. "Papa's sleeping. But he'll be up soon. Why don't you play with Jess until papa wakes up." I said. Milo nodded and Jess said "come on Milo." She tickled him and Milo's giggled erupted into the slightly bigger apartment. I ran to the hallway to close the bedroom door. Well I cracked it. Ever since Milo came into the world life has been great. Pavel and I were a married couple. We had to move into a bigger place though. It's deeper into the city and closer to Kirk. He's always at the apartment, flirting with Jess for what seems like hours. I walked back into the living room and heard Milo giggling as Jess looked for him around the house. "Hey Gray." I said as I ruffled his hair. He smiled up at me and I smiled back.

Gray had blue eyes like Pavel and Milo

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Gray had blue eyes like Pavel and Milo. His mother had green and I think his father had brown eyes. Or hazel. I never saw much of him. I cooked breakfast and Gray ran to the bar and waited eagerly. I set a plate in front of him and he began to eat. I heard Milo's running footsteps and smiled. "Mommy!" He said. He jumped into my arms and I said "what's wrong baby?" "Jess is gonna get me! She's a monster!" Milo said while giggling. Jess poked her head out from around the corner. "Me? A monster?" Jess asked. She scoffed in disbelief and said "I could never be a monster." She kissed Milo's head and sat next to Gray and ate breakfast with him. "Here Milo." I said. Milo looked at the eggs and pushed them away. "Yuck." He said. I said "Milo they're eggs! Everyone loves eggs." "Not me." He said with a pout. "Papa loves them." I said. Milo's eyes got big and he said "he does?" I nodded and Milo said "will papa be happy if I eat them?" I nodded and Jess smiled at Milo. "Ok I'll eat them. Only if I can have an extra piece of bacon?" Milo asked. "That's not fair." Gray's deeper voice said. I handed them both an extra piece of bacon and Jess said "greedy boys." Gray said "I'm just hungry." Milo hummed while he ate and I picked up a tray and walked towards the bedroom. I closed the door behind me and climbed onto the bed with the tray. I straddled Pavel with the tray and said "wake up sleepyhead."

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