Before Fairfax

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Lilian's hand grew frigid on his forehead. Through it a connection formed between them. For the briefest moment, decades of information passed from her nephew to her. In the span of a minute she knew him better than anybody else. She understood the twists and turns in the labyrinth of his soul.

She heard his inner voice like she heard her own. Along with it came came visions of lighting striking vampires, werewolves, and other monsters begging for mercy.

"Whether placed by a witch or placed by a god, there is always a purpose with a curse, a philosophical reason for it's existence. In the case of monsters it's no different. It started off as a lesson. That lesson being, there is only pain, horror, and humiliation for those that reject the will of God.

However Lilith circumvented that reason by showing she didn't find humiliation and pain in the curse. She found her children; she found a reason to live an unending life. Where's the horror in that?

So what does the first creature of God want in life? What does every child eventually discover who they're becoming? Lilith discovered she wanted to be her own deity, to be the mother of her own race. And with this goal, the curse began to work for her.

With each child born, they fulfilled a desire of creation. She needed children of the air, so she gave birth to harpies, dragon's, and other winged creatures. She needed children of the sea, so she gave birth to tentacled monsters and leviathans. She needed creatures of creation itself, so she gave birth to witches and djinn.

Then came the monsters to fulfill the other universal duties that God provided his children.

Lilith didn't have a heaven to promise her children. So she created Elysium and gave birth to a monster mankind called a god. Ancient Greece called him Hades, but he never accepted any given name. Through him and his many children, monster's souls travel to meet their eternal rest.

She didn't have angels to protect her children from man, so she founded what monsters today have nicknamed, the silencers. They exist to keep the monsters in the shadows long enough to build a significant part of the world's population, while simultaneously protecting us from mankind. "

His mind clicked upon the details he wished to forget again.

"Which brings us to the matter of my existence..."

A glimmer of lightning trailed across his iris's, as if summoned by the friction of what he was and the life he pretended to have. As brief as it was, it struck upon a far away memory in the woman no longer called Eve. She recalled the banishment from Eden, the streaks of light flashing from behind her and the bittersweet taste of knowledge on her lips.

"I'm where the idealized reflection of mankind ends. Where the opinions of God and Lilith part ways. Which brings me to an age old question. In a war between men, two sides, which does God side with?"

Charlotte murmured from her seat across the aisle.

"You people make being pagan really difficult..."

Lilian forced herself not to drop her hand from him as dozens of crime scene flurried out the liar's mind. To distract herself she chose to answer his question.

"He chooses neither because how could a father choose between his children?"

Another streak of lighting traveled past his eyes, but this time down his cheeks.

"Correct as always," he replied with a deadening voice.

"Mother could see the crimes of monsters upon other monsters. For the suffering of humans she never experienced a single tear. For her countless children performing innumerable acts of moral cannibalism? Her heart shattered daily. And from that pile of shards a grim resolution came into being. She discovered where the majority of their sins originated and the fate that must meet those that take a part in such depravity..."

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