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The apartment was a contemporary style like Gabriel wanted for the couple. He paid for the repaint and remodel of rooms and the moving crew to furnish the two-bedroom apartment. After he thought the new home was well decorated, he allowed Adrien and Marinette to tour their new home.

The apartment was on third floor of the building, but the door was the one on the right as you come up on the stairs. Inside was a small room with wood paneling and dark wood for the flooring, along with a welcome doormat along the door. There was a potted plant across from the door, and a large window that looked out the front of the building. The wall beside the door frame held a large painting of the Eiffel Tower.

Go through the open door frame, and the kitchen was to the left. The wall behind the counter and refrigerator was the same wood paneling as the foyer. There was an island in the middle of the open room with three barstools and a stove in the middle.

Outside of the double door beside the kitchen was a large balcony with three plant pots, potted plants, a bench, and a hanging plant on the wall.

On the right of the open door frame, was a computer desk for general entertainment, as well as a large wall mounted television that was formally in Adrien's bedroom. A coffee table was below it with a stereo and a couple tablets to use. Two black plush couches and a coffee table with a lamp lined one wall and a room divider behind one of them. The curtains on the large window were brown and beige. The room was painted with a light beige color with white top and bottom border, and dark wood flooring.

On the other side of the room divider, the walls were painted with a lighter tint of brown with the same white borders. There were two large paintings on the wall where blank and gray cabinet are lined and decorated with smaller plants. In the middle was a black glass dining table with six matching chairs, a bouquet of roses as the center piece on the table, and a pinkish rug under the furniture. A china cabinet stood beside the large window. This was supposedly the dining room separated from the living room.

The hallway was painted the same way with the same flooring, only with a black and white patterned runner carpet in the middle and three wall lights at each door. Marinette's room was on the right, the green and white colored bathroom was past the middle door, and Adrien's room was one the left.

Marinette's room was painted light pink with the white border. Her room seemed to be a bit bigger than Adrien's bedroom. Inside, the room was divided in half by an Asian inspired wall divider—one side was her bed with a lounge chair and a couple lamps, the other side was a designing studio with mannequins and a design desk. One part of the wall looked like it was a sample of a boutique with a patterned wallpaper, overhead lighting on mannequins, mirrors decorated with curtains, circle rugs, and a pink canopy overhead. The windows were decorated with the same style of curtains Marinette had in college as decorations. Two pink rose rugs covered the dark floor. The double door across from the entrance went out to a balcony which held a wooden bench and plants.

Adrien's bedroom seemed simple. It was an emerald green room with white trim. One rug was under the bed. On the other side of the room was a reading lounge for him, where there were two bookcases and a sofa. Green black out curtains covered the three windows.

To the couple, this was sort of nerve wracking. Adrien knew Marinette wasn't going to be comfortable living away from her parents for a long time, and Adrien felt the same way. He was in a new environment where he was going to be independent, even with living with his girlfriend.

He tried to stay positive about it, but he was nervous when the first thing goes wrong.

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