Annoying Employee [13]

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Sasuke's POV

"...but her hands were still her hands, still warm and her nails were painted that stark blue-black color..."

My onyx orbs watched the moving pictures on my flat screen. My eyes were half lidded and I felt as if I was nodding off to sleep. The long, two hour movie was near its end and I was thankful for that. Sakura wouldn't stop bugging me to watch The Fault In Our Stars for the past three days so I finally caved.

I was knocked out from my thoughts at the sound of a sob coming from my side. I gazed down at the pinkette clutching onto my right arm with a box of tissues at her feet (she was curled into a ball).

"Okay, Hazel Grace?"

Sakura sucked in a deep breath and hugged my arm tighter.


The credits began to play and the green eyed beauty burst into tears. She buried her tear stained face into my shoulder and continued to sob.

I sighed and pulled my arm from her grasp, causing her to curl into a smaller ball, and pulled Sakura into a hug. She uncurled herself briefly before she pounced and wrapped all of her limbs around me.

I froze. Her arms wrapped themselves around my neck and legs were wrapped around my torso. She's a fucking monkey. Her pink head of hair was buried into the crook of my neck, almost tickling me. She continued to sob and I wrapped my arms around her back.

"It's okay, Sakura." I mumbled and began to sway back and forth on the couch.

"B-but..." She sobbed and hugged me tighter. "He died!"

"It's just a movie, Sak."

"Based on a true story!"

Well that didn't help my case. I decided it was best to stay quiet. She calmed down after a few minutes of our embrace but didn't move. I enjoyed the feeling of having Sakura in my arms, the feeling of security.

"Sasuke-kun?" She mumbled into my neck. I hummed a "hm?" and urged for her to continue. "If... If I would ever get sick like that..." Sakura faded off and I felt her nibbling on her lip.

"Yes?" I asked softly.

"Would... Would you still want me?" She whimpered out.

I was taken back a bit by the question she had asked. Would I still want her? Could I deal with losing someone close to me? Take Itachi for example, could I handle it?

"Of course." I murmured into her mess of hair. She sniffled slightly and hugged me tighter, she was going to choke me soon.

"Arigato, Sasuke-kun."

She stayed how she was, hugging me tightly. Her sobs had ceased but I still felt her eyes wet. The doorbell rang causing Sakura to jump a bit.

"I'll just– Sasuke-kun!" She yelped.

She clung onto me as I stood up and began to walk to the front door. So at the moment I was carrying Sakura except I wasn't holding her... She was holding onto me all by herself.

"Sasuke-kun, let me down!"

I ignored her and reached to open the door. Sakura was a giggling mess and I won't deny that a small smile was on my lips. I opened the door and my smile disappeared.

"Kaa-san," I murmured. Her onyx orbs widened at our current position. Sakura squeaked and let go of me completely, falling to the ground. She scrambled to her feet and moved her pink hair from her eyes. I don't think she realizes she looks like the lochness monster with her smudged makeup, as much as she cried I'm surprised it wasn't worse.

Annoying Employee •SasuSaku•Where stories live. Discover now