Snacks and Surprises

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1.Chapter 4: Snacks and Surprises

2 weeks later...

Zayn's POV:

The lights on stage were blinding, the bass pounding through my chest. Harry's solo in "What Makes You Beautiful" was coming up, signalling the end of the show.

Secretly, I was relieved. I couldn't wait to go home and sleep, after checking on Perrie again. It worried me that we never got to spend as much time together as we used to. It felt as though we were drifting apart.

The boys and I lined up behind Harry as he started his solo. We all had secret smiles on our faces. To the fans, we probably looked like angels, when in actual fact, we were planning something. We were all holding our water bottles, waiting for Harry to pause and catch his breath.

We upended our bottles on him when he did and split up, laughing wildly. I glanced back at Harry, glad to see he was also smiling and laughing. I grinned and looked out into the crowd.

The fans were singing along, many holding handmade boards and signs with slogans like "Marry me, Harry!" and "1D 4eva". I even saw a couple of "Zerrie is amaZAYN!".

Those made my heart ache, and I hoped what they said was true. The song came to an end, and the guys and I met up in centre stage, the crowd going mad. We all had big grins on our faces, and waved goodnight to the crowd as Liam closed off, "Thank you London!!! Thanks for a great show, we really enjoyed ourselves and drive safely!! This will be our last show for a while, while we take a break. Goodnight everybody!!!"

We all trooped off backstage and into the dressing room. I collapsed on the couch with Liam while Louis, Niall and Harry went to go shower and change, grabbing a fresh change of clothes on their way. They were laughing wildly at Harry's expression when he felt the water empty on his head.

I closed my eyes, thinking about Perrie. I fumbled in my pocket for my phone and pulled it out. I checked the time: 9:30pm.

I sighed, and sent a text to Perrie.

To: Perrie <3

Hey babe!!  just wanted to let you know we're finished now, so I'm all yours for the next 2 months. Luv u lots xx Zayn.

I sent the text and closed my phone, sighing. Liam cleared his throat and I looked at him. I'd kinda forgotten he was there.

"Mate, what's up?" Liam asked me, concerned. "You haven't been acting yourself for the past two weeks. Is it something between you and Perrie?"

Before I could reply, Paul walked in, a huge grin plastered to his face.

"Hey guys!" he said, smiling. "Hey Paul," Liam and I chorused. "So, I've been thinking, I know this quiet little café in a quiet part of London. As the beginning of your two month break, I'm gonna take you guys there for a treat. I've already called and booked it for us, so you guys won't be bothered. How's that sound?"

Niall, Louis and Harry walked in as Paul was finishing, hair still slightly damp. Liam filled them in as I stood and went to get my clothes. Obviously, Niall said yes while Louis and Harry started dancing around the room in glee. We all needed a break, and some good food wouldn't be a bad idea. I headed into the washroom.

My hand was on the doorknob when Paul asked, "And you, Zayn? Are you coming with?"

I nodded.

Jessie's POV:

"THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!!!" Cami and I sang along to the telly. Our apartment was a mess, boxes still full of our junk scattered around the place. In our small living room was a tattered couch on which we were now seated, another one against the wall and an armchair in the corner. In front of us was a shelf on which our telly stood and which we were so interested in at the minute.

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