5. Figuring Out

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5. Figuring Out

Poor Mr. Smee was rowing his boat as fast as he possibly could toward the shore. The sweat dripped from his forehead, almost filling pools of water in the boat. He was scared, happy maybe? He made it all the way to shore.

The fallen tree still lay there unmoved. Footprints of children were easily seen in the sand. The undetectable movement of leaves in the slight breeze made Smee aware that Pan was here. As he walked around the tree, he spotted more tracks, separate from the Lost Boys. They were much gentler, much quicker on the ground. He followed the tracks.

Broken branches indicated that she was in a rush. Smee wasn't thinking about how far she would have gone until she collapsed, until the tracks grew closer together then completely stopped. A shape of a body? Fallen on purpose or accident, it was hard to tell. A whole new set of tracks going a different direction. Smee was getting confused, until way in the distance he saw a slight shadow of an indentation in the dirt. There's probably a question going on right on in your head. Lets just say Smee had a life before you knew him.

He kept following the tracks until they jumped into a tough clearing of grass, there was no way to find her now, but Captain's orders and orders indeed.

'What? Why am I trusting someone who has been chasing me for a while, just says he won't hurt me, and then flies off to fetch some food? Listen to me, I'm talking like flying is completely normal in this situation.' Katie scolded herself as she sat against the tree, not daring to move a muscle the entire time she sat there. Her stomach rumbled, but she didn't know how to survive, she knew how to beg. It was a completely different process.

She watched as the wind moved the grass blades and the leaves in the trees. She watched as the Sun moved partially along the sky, it was more beautiful than she could remember. Neverland was having the perfect day out, great weather, no cold, yet Katie was shivering under her tree. It was probably fear, anxiety, her possible deaths. No it wasn't that, she was cold. Her clothes no longer soaked and her hair was dry. Something made her cold.

The strange boy flew down to her with an assortment of fruits that she has never seen before. She took one she knew the name of and bit into it.

Peter only watched, interested in the girl. When he saw her shivering, he knew something was up. "Hey you cold?"

Katie nodded her head slightly.

"Are you sick?"

She shook her head.

"That doesn't make sense, it's a perfect day today." Peter spoke with a smile on his face.

Katie finished the apple and just threw it off into a different direction, her hunger still not satisfied. She grabbed one of the unknown fruits.

"You don't talk much do you?" Peter asked.

"Not to strangers." Katie spoke in a soft tone.

"Oh so you do talk."

"I hope this isn't poisoned." She said looking at the fruit.

Peter laughed. "Why would it be?"

"I don't know." Katie put her head down. Her body temperature decreased some more. Another shiver came on, she really didn't want to use the fabric as a blanket.

Peter instantly saw her thoughts. "Do you need something warmer? Those clothes look worn. How about a fire? But then we'll need to go to a different part of the island."

"I'm fine." Katie responded in her stubborn nature.

"That stuff you are keeping with you must be good for something. It looks like some good cloth. It's tough too so you can use it as a blanket."

"I'm really okay."

"Whatever you say, but hey, do you want a tour?"

"Tour of what?"

"The island of course silly."

"But it's just an island."

"No. This is Neverland. The best place in the Universe where you never grow up."

"I still think I'm dreaming. I'm still sleeping in my secret place all nice and warm far from the cops. But I'd rather grow up if this was real, go back to the real world."

"Go to school, get a job, a house, a... Gives me shivers just thinking about it. Why would you ever want to grow up? It is the worst thing ever to happen to kids. Only the lucky few get to come here."

"I need to grow up so I could be free."

"Well you're free here without having to grow up."

"Why should I believe that?"

"Why shouldn't you?" Peter spoke with a smile. He knew she would definitely be on his team. Hook had no way of turning her into a pirate. "Take my hand." He said as he reached out to her.

"Why?" She questioned.

"I want to show you something."

Katie hesitated but then trusted the stranger. This feeling of lightweight and happiness overcame her, she was floating not too far from the ground. Not by herself of course, there was no pixie dust on her. Speaking of which, Tink didn't come with Peter, she was busy with the other fairies.

For the first remembered time in her life, she felt extraordinarily happy. The island was a lot bigger than she first anticipated too. Peter explained to her that a mermaid tried to drown her and that there were fairies in pixie hollow. The pirates controlled cannibal cove and the Indians could be found anywhere on the island, they knew it the best. A huge mountain was in the center, capped with snow. It was perfect.

Only for Katie it wasn't completely perfect. Many times during the flight, a bad memory came to her mind. There was no pixie dust on her, but it made her a heavier load in a way. Peter landed with her somewhat near the hideout.

"Come on. You gotta keep up." Peter said as Katie walked slowly behind.

"How do you fly?" She asked.

"How do I fly?"


"Um... I just think of a happy thought."

"What about sad thoughts?"

"I don't have sad thoughts."


"I've been here for a long time. There is no sadness here. Just fun and games! And that's exactly how you will feel after a while."

Katie thought about it for a moment. She wasn't exactly thinking about staying, but this was way better than begging for her life to go on everyday.

"I've got it!" Peter suddenly exclaimed. "We'll play a game."

"Oh boy a game!"

"Can we play in the house?!"

"Can we run outside?!"

"I say hunting!"

"We say fishing!"

All the Lost Boys ran from the hideout completely forgetting what Peter told them not to do.

"Attention!" All the Lost Boys froze. Katie in the meantime hid behind Peter, thinking these could be the terrible boys that Smee told her about. "I told you not to spook her. Now look what you've done."

"Sorry." That all said simultaneously.

"Your punishment will be to seek."

"Seek what?" Nibs asked.

"Us." Peter said as he grabbed Katie's hand and flew off far away from the boys.

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