2: Last Year Was Complicated

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SIR OLIVER JAMES HENSTRIDGE IV was the grandson of Royal Council member Warren Henstridge and after spending a substantial amount of money in auction, won an afternoon outing with Princess Wilmarie Diamond. They talked briefly at the Gala and during their chat, Wil was momentarily swept up in his sea glass eyes and commanding smile. He was handsome—the kind of handsome that was impossible not to stare at—and according to his repertoire, he was a very generous participant in the philanthropic world. Last year, WoMWeekly listed him as a part of their 20 in 20s article and he was in good company among names like Levi Beast Tamer Heart, Montgomery West, and Wil's own brother, Prince Leo. Shortly after meeting Oliver, Wil politely excused herself from the Gala and left the ballroom.

She was halfway up the staircase when she saw a handsome and familiar man exit the ballroom to take a phone call. She didn't mean to stop and watch him but if she was being honest, she didn't know he was going to be at the Gala. It was hard not to stare.

"...I'm not sure what the password is, Chlo. I'm sorry. Try looking around my desk. I'm sure I wrote it down somewhere. ...No, that's not it. Try the second one. ...Did it work? ...Okay, good. I'm going to get back to the— No, I know but tonight's really important. King Walter wants me to network, remember? ...I'll see you when I get home, okay?"

Damon Donovan said goodbye and then tucked his phone back into the pocket of his suit jacket. On the stairs, Wil smoothed out the drapes of her emerald-colored gown and he looked up when he saw her there.

"My sister was looking for the WiFi password," he explained of his phone call—which Wil had very obviously been eavesdropping on. He flashed her a smile and then extended a hand for her to shake. "Damon Donovan. I've been advising your father since the incident."

The incident. That's what they called it last time too.

Wil was hesitant to take his hand but eventually did and her heart literally skipped a beat the second she touched him. She quickly snatched her hand back as if his touch was fire. Then she cleared her throat.

"He mentioned you," she replied but that was a lie. In the two weeks since tipping him off about Reagan, Wil hardly saw her father. Sure, she may have slipped Damon's name onto the list of potential advisers when her father mentioned assembling a group to prevent another incident but her father was never one to share information about his business. No amount of time traveling would change that. Anything Wil knew about this Damon Donovan was acquired through eavesdropping and aggressive forms of snooping.

"He said you'll be hanging around the Academy this year."

Damon nodded. "Your father suggested I try teaching but I think my talents are best suited for researching and advising."

His eyes met hers and she swore she saw a flicker of familiarity in them. Her heart sped up.

"So I'll be around," he told her, his words trailing as he stared. "Keeping an eye on some things..."

Wil nodded like she was interested but she knew he wouldn't go into further detail. Those things that he was keeping an eye on were eight seniors with a peculiar tattoo. It was a rope with eight knots—a blood knot, it was called. Wil was currently concealing hers beneath expertly applied makeup and at a quick glance, she almost fooled herself. Damon was one of a very limited number of people who knew about the Eight and was trusted to protect them.

"Well I'll keep a look out for you," Wil eventually said, flashing a happy smile. "It'll be nice to have a friendly face around."

Damon opened his mouth to reply and like every other day during those last two weeks, she wondered if that was it. If he would defy the impossible and remember her and how deeply he loved her. If he would replay their last night together like she'd been doing for weeks. It was after Phoebe and Drew's wedding and they were still wrapped up in the magic of it all. Damon promised her that even if he didn't remember her after the spell, he would fall in love with her all over again. He would find her and they would defy all the odds. Wil was never very good with odds.

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