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Thanks for the awesome cover on the side! I'm gonna put the other one you made on the side of the next chapter :)

Epic trailer on the side made by Citrus 17. Thank you so much! I love it! :D 


Tuesday 8th October 2013

Dear Anna,

I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you in a while. I haven’t been ignoring you, I swear, I’ve just been busy. You know how much homework school are giving me now. Combine that with Kayaking and Piano at the weekends and my Monday Archery classes... Where was I supposed to find the time to check in?

          The only reason I have any time now is because school was closed at the last minute. It says on the website that someone came down with that sickness thing I told you about last time. It’s kind of scary that they closed down the entire school because one person got sick. But hey, it’s a day off from torture, who am I to complain?

          I hope I don’t know them though... My school is quite small – only five different form classes per year. So that’s like...150 people per year group...and there are only five year groups in the school. So the chances that I know them, or have at least seen them, are pretty high. I really hope they’re okay...

          I don’t know how long it’ll be closed for. All I know is that when I went there on the bus this morning (I didn’t get the memo early enough to give myself a lie in), the whole road was cordoned off with police tape and there were all of these emergency vehicles everywhere.

          I’m getting kind of scared now, Anna. What kind of disease is this to garner such a response from the Government? The newspapers are just calling it The Mystery Disease, since no one actually knows where it came from or what happens if you get it. The Government are still being all hush hush about what it’s releasing to the public.

And that’s what scares me the most. If they don’t want to tell us, then it has to be pretty bad. In fact, they’re probably trying to avoid mass panic. All they’ll say is that if you come into contact with the disease, you need to call 999 straight away.

          I can tell Dad is getting scared too. He’s been stocking up on all our canned foods so that he doesn’t have to go out as much. It’s like he’s preparing for a bloody siege! Plus, I was gonna go out today with some friends but he freaked and told me I wasn’t allowed to leave the house. Dick. What, does he honestly think the solution is to just hide me away for the rest of my life? Please.

          Don’t get me wrong, I get that he’s trying to protect me and everything but there’s a line, and he’s crossed it. I’ve never been grounded before in my life (Dad just doesn’t do that kind of punishment and I’m an angel anyway) and suddenly I’m on house arrest? Obviously I’m not going to be a happy bunny.

          But I suppose that’s enough ranting for today. I’m sure you’re sick and tired of hearing about this, huh Anna? Let’s talk about something else. Something happier. Like Comic Con!

          I’m so excited Anna! It’s only in a few weeks and then I’ll actually be breathing the same air Tyler Hoechlin and the other Teen Wolf cast members! I may even get to meet him if I can be bothered to wait for his autograph! Try not to die of jealousy Anna, your time will come. I’d bring you with me to meet him but then he might see this entry and get a smidge weirded out. Oh wow, how awkward would that be if he read this? Because let me tell you, that whole ‘breathing the same air as him’ part sounded way less creepy in my head.

          I’m just hoping Dad will let me go. I will never forgive him if he doesn’t. Seriously. This might be my only chance to see Tyler and Dylan in the flesh. If he takes that away from me, so help me God...

          In other news, Archery is going well. Kayaking too. I started both about a month ago and I still love them. I think Archery is really helping with my lack of focus. Plus, there’s just something so tranquil about gliding through the water... Well, that is when Tom, our instructor, isn’t yelling at us to hurry up. Did I mention that Tom is all about the racing? Yeah, I know I’m not a competitive person Anna, but there wasn’t a Kayaking club out there that would take you on and not let you race! Don’t you think I looked? I like doing it for leisure but Tom keeps making us do mini races in class and he gets annoyed at me when I let everyone else go in front. Don’t give me that look Anna, I’d rather they go in front of me than crash into me! I’m the only one from our group that hasn’t capsized yet and I want it to stay that way, thank you very much.

          I get the feeling that you’re not listening to me any more Anna. Am I boring you? It’s just that I’d rather write in you than do my homework. And let me tell you, there is a lot. Yeah, yeah, I know avoiding it isn’t the answer Anna but indulge me.

          I’m just so fed up of school right now. Seriously, sometimes I wish the world would just stop so that I wouldn’t have to go back there. I’m just so...so tired of it all, you know? The teachers keep harking on to me about my GCSEs and I’m finding it really difficult to care. Yes Anna, I know that’s a stupid mindset to have, but what can I say? I never claimed to be an intelligent person, did I? I know that these exams will dictate the course of my life, but if I think about them like that, I’ll just end up freaking myself out so much that I’ll fail them all. And they’re not even until, like, June anyway! What difference does it make if I mess around now? I can always make up for it in revision later, right?

          I’m also looking at applying to sixth form. It’s weird to think that in less than a year, I’m going to be in college. Like, for real! I’m actually so excited for that. I think it’s just what I need, to be honest. School just seems so meaningless but college. Well that’s a different matter entirely.

          There are a few open evenings coming up that I want to go to, but with Dad freaking out like he is, I don’t know if he’ll even let me go. Which is such a piss take, because how am I supposed to decide on a college if he won’t even let me visit it? Stupid, right? But that’s Dad for you. Stupid, adorable, over-protective Dad. I love him anyway, until the day I die, but gosh, sometimes I blur that line of love and hate.

          But still, with all the craziness going on, I can’t help but feel like I’m in a good place, you know? Things are going well academically and I’m starting to get more into sports and my extra curriculars. I’m actually getting As and A*s for working at grades and end of unit tests!

          Okay, okay Anna, I’ll go do that homework. Gosh, you’re worse than my Dad!

          Talk soon!

          Love Adira x

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