9. BowTieBeauty394

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Welcome everyone to another episode of your very own online interview show

                   ‘MEET THE WRITER’

And let us give a warm welcome to the writer who has written/ is writing books like:

·         The Truth about Lila Toggs   

·         The Stories of my life ((im)perfection Dare)

·         Lost in Children's land

·         What is normal?

·         The lie That backfired

·         My Poems!  

Clap your hands and welcome George Miller pen name of our very own BowTieBeauty394!!

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

Ans:   I love Harry Potter and Doctor Who. They are just amazing :) they are my life :) I also love the band Paramore :D they are just the bomb! I also like Hey Monday and Death Cab for cutie. My favourite colours are Orange and purple.

 2. What inspires you to write?

Ans:   Everyday life really. But J K Rowling made me want to write a lot more than I first wanted to :) (J.K.Rowling…Man that woman is an inspiration to millions out there…She is the reason behind Hogwarts-our dream school!! Thanks Miss Rowling!)

3. What was the hardest part of writing for you?

Ans:   Uh probably being detailed and descriptive enough.

 4. Which comes first? The character's story or the idea for the novel?

Ans:   The characters story or the idea for the novel?  Probably the idea for the novel. Everyday life inspires me and gets me thinking about different story ideas and problems until eventually I come up with everything for it.

5. Which genre do you enjoy reading the most and why?

Ans:   I enjoy reading fiction or sci fi or horror :) I like others but they are my favourite :)

6. Who do you look to in admiration?

Ans:   Probably J K Rowling. She is such an amazing writer and she is just the most amazing writer ever ! (Touchè)

7. When did you write your first book and how old were you?

Ans:   I was 12. I wrote a short a story. That was actually last year! Haha! I was writing it for a competition but instead posted it on wattpad. It's called "the lie that backfired". It isn't that good and I actually think my other work is much better than it!!

8. What inspired you to write?

Ans:   Probably Harry Potter and just the fact that I loved to read so thought maybe I should try and write!

9. Which part did you enjoy writing the most?

Ans:   I think it would probably have to be the scene I am currently writing which will have something to do with Harry Potter :)

 10. If not writing what else do you do in your free time?

Ans:   Read, sleep, watch tv/movies , hang out with my family and friends. 

11. What advice can you give to people with writers block?

Ans:   I'm not sure. Maybe to not try so hard and just let it flow out. Ask your friends for ideas and see what comes to mind.

12. If you get to bring to life anyone of your characters, who would it be and why?

Ans:    Uh probably Samaritan. Because she goes through all these tough times but still seems to keep her head high. She is really happy and rarely let's bullies get to her.

13. If you would say one line of inspiration to a hungry soul that wants to make it into the writing world, what would it be?

Ans:   Don't try so hard, let it flow out of you. (Let it FLOW!! Nice motto!!)

14. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Ans:   Please vote if you enjoy my writing. And please give me some criticism! I have barely gotten any. Don't worry about being too harsh! Just be honest! Thank you!

15.  Random Question:

 If you could be a boy for a day who would it be and why? 

Ans:   Uh.... Maybe Matt Smith because he is British and is on Doctor Who! He is also absolutely adored by his fans and is an amazing actor! So there's a bonus!

That’s all for today fellas. We will meet next time…Same Show, Same host and Same place but with a NEW guest. So stay tuned!! And till then –

                      “Stay Crazy And Be Awesome”

(p.s Video on the side is George’s current favourite song)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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