7. writeon27

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Welcome everyone to another episode of your very own online interview show

                   ‘MEET THE WRITER’

                  Today’s writer is a person known for her various series of books like the ‘My Life’ series or the ‘Beautiful Heist’ .

                   Let me give you all a clue as to who she is. Maybe through her works you might just get the idea as to who I am talking about.

Her works are:

Ø  My life Series: (Completed)

     v  My Life In Ruins

     v  My Life In Code

     v  My Life Of Evasion

Ø  Beautiful Heist (book 1) (Completed)

Ø  Graceful Deception (book 2)

Ø  A Thousand Thrones (Completed)

Ø  A Discordant Melody(Sequel/Spin off to A Thousand Thrones) (Completed)

Ø  The Semi-New Girl and the Player (Completed)

Ø  Little Miss Player and Mr. Hottie(Sequel to The Semi-New Girl and the Player) (Completed)

Ø  The Descendants Series Vol. 2 (Completed)

Ø  The Descendants Series Vol. 1 (Completed)

Ø  The Infinity Trilogy (Completed)

Ø  The Day We Met (Completed)

Ø  Masqued (Completed)

Ø  The Race (Completed)

Ø  This Life is a Beautiful War (Completed)

                    Some of you may have already been acquainted with the work of our today’s guest, but for those who haven’t let me introduce you to our very own Ms. Ansley or writeon27 as you all know her as. So let us all give a very warm welcome to Ansley….

1)           Tell us a bit about yourself.

Ans: Well, I'm a 20 year old college girl who loves to write, read, study (only sometimes, though), Starbucks, tea, rainy days, Harry Potter, bookstores, big bags to carry all my stuff in, my iPod that contains an array of artists from Imagine Dragons, Angus & Julia Stone, Ellie Goulding, and many more, and comfy clothes. 

2)  Who is your favourite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Ans:   JK Rowling. Her imagination with Harry Potter is just...simply amazing.  (AGREED!! )

3)       What inspires you to write?

Ans:  My imagination gets away from me sometimes and a story just demands to be written...that, and my lovely fans. They pester me about uploading, but I love them. They loyalty and excitement is one of the best things a writer like me could ask for. :)

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