1. Mistwalker

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Welcome to the very first episode of the show

                                          ‘MEET THE WRITER’

And lets welcome the very first writer of our show Jessica Lyn….who goes by the name ‘Mistwalker’ on wattpad.

She is currently writing four books

-Falling for Him(IM5 imagine)

-IM5 imagines

-Breaking free

-iBreakout Weekly Writing Competition

1) Tell us a bit about yourself.

Ans: Well, first off hi anyone reading this! My name's Jessica! I live on this beautiful planet called Mars! Umm I'm 14. Young, I know. I plan to become a Social Worker for Mental Health as my career. Uhhh If you want to know more comment below, tag me I'll answer.

2) Whats your favourite food?

Ans: Favourite food.... well that is a difficult one but I would have to say lasagne! I LOVE MY MOMS LASAGNE! Or quite possibly, my own brownies.

3) Whats your favourite colour?

Ans: My favourite colours are clear, black, purple, blue and green.

4) Whats your favourite song and singer/band?

Ans: Favourite song right now is Because We Can by Bon Jovi and my faourite artist/band is IM5.

5) Who is your favourite author over here?

Ans: My favourite author is Bel Watson. I love the fact that she can write so well yet English isn't her first language! ^.^

6) Whats your favourite book?

Ans: My favourite book (out of Wattpad) is the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. My favourite Wattpad book is She's One Of The Boys by lilly-rain.

7) What book/books are you reading now?

Ans: I am currently reading The Alpha's Dirty Little Secret by Lovesoreel.

8) What inspires you to write?

Ans: I love writing purely for the fact that I am amazed at how much writing can affect people, if the writing is well written it can reach so many people. It can actually change lives! Well, depending on what kind of books you write. But words are powerful things. Honestly I posted my first book on here purely on an impulse.

9) Do you have a specific genre that you love to write about?

Ans: I love to write romance, teen fiction and I don't really know what this is classed under, but stories that can help people. Like show them that they aren't alone.

10) What got you started to write?

Ans: I have always written (not particularly well of course!) but when I was little I was always writing stories and poems. I was more of a poem girl when I was little (still kinda am) but I now prefer writing stories.

11) What was the hardest part of writing your story?

Ans: Waiting for inspiration to strike. I have the story all planned out, I just get sporadic bursts of inspiration which make my writing so much better (I hope!)

12)  If you are not writing, what else do you do in your spare time?

Ans: Usually reading, making book covers, lounging arounhd like a couch potato and YOTUBERS! And friends of course (Though I have 1 which appears to have abandoned me... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! ;)

13)  If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

Ans: That is so difficult! But I'd have to choose Aprilynne Pike. I love her stories and she writes in the genre I most enjoy writing. Her writing seems so natural and easy.

14)  Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Ans: Yes. Why would you read my story? Seriously. Why? I happen to be fully aware that I am not the smoothest nor most reliable updater! (Sorry about that by the way...) But I thrilled and absolutely ecstatic! I gain on average 50 reads a day! :D

15)  Random questions:

In a truth or Dare game? What kind of person are you?

Ans: I usually choose truth :P I'm not a very outgoing person around anyone I know except for one friend! (The same one who is currently sitting next to me and is IGNORING ME!)

That’s all for today folks…..will meet next time with another of your very own writer…Till then enjoy the song 'Backseat Seranade' by All Time Low which is Jessica's favourite song and remember to-

                                                       “Stay Crazy And Be Awesome”

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