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I walked up the steps swaying side to side. The heels were not making it easy to have balance. I put the box on the ground and angrily took off my heels. I ringed my grandma's door bell while looking around. She lived in the middle of the forest, now I knew why. 

The door opened and their stood my grandma shocked. I went forward and hugged her, which shocked her even more. I could hear her sniff me and them pull back.

"Your not drunk." She stated. I shook my head and gave her a smile, it's true I only gave her hugs when I was super drunk.

I bend down and grabbed the box, her eyes widen when she set eyes on it. 

"What are you doing with that?" She asked me then looked behind her, I spotted fear in her eyes.

"Bad timing." My grandma said. 

"Grandma are you with somebody?" I asked her chuckling. When I saw someone come into view and it was a guy my smile dissolved. He was as old as my grandma but what made me stop smiling was the vibe I got from him. He had white hair and grey hair and with clear blue eyes that seemed to look white. He held a black long coat with a symbol over his heart it was a white dove.

"Hello and you are?" He asked me. I wiggled my eyebrows towards my grandma before handing out my hand towards him. He grabbed my hand his eyes roaming my face.

"Heather Jones." I said politely. 

He glanced towards my grandma before looking back at me. "Fredric Carson, one of the elders." Fredric said letting go of my hand. He looked down at the box in my hands then towards me grandma.

I leaned towards my grandma and whispered, "He can't take his eyes off you." I laughed when she elbowed me.

"May I ask you what your relationship is with Mrs. Corset?" Fredric asked me I interested.

"She is my best friend's daughter." My grandma said quickly. For the second night that day, those words were like a slap to the face. 

"What?" I said looking at her, not believing she would say that. Is she ashamed of me? Was it the hug? 

"She comes over when she wants." My grandma continued on saying.

"Yea, she is like the grandma I never had." I said coldly. I saw my grand finch at my words before I turned around and headed for the car. 

"Is she always moody like that?" I heard Fredric tell my grandma.

I slammed the car door close and drove off quickly, leaving marks behind. I didn't know where else to go, Jasmine throwing a party and 'they' could be there. Grandma clearly doesn't want me there. The only place left for me to go is Alan's house.

I rang the door bell and grabbed the box tighter, I got a feeling to bring it with me. I looked down to see myself shoe less and with a too tight and short dress.

The door opened and I looked up to see his mom there, her brown eyes widen and she looked at me confused. "Do you have the wrong house?" She asked me. My jaw dropped but I remembered I haven't seen here in months.

"No, I'm Heather Jones and I know Alan." I said smiling a bit. "Can I talk to him?" I asked her. She looking me up and down.

"You've changed so much." She said before bring me into a big hug. I chuckled and breathed in her homely scent.

"I'll go get him right now, come on in! You must be freezing!" She said happily. 

"Thank you." I said closing the door behind me. I watched as she walked down the hallway almost skipping. I've haven't seen her like this in months which made me smile. The wind was tugging on me so I fixed my hair.

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