Friendship between a "He" and a "She"

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A friendship between a boy and a girl...Come on, is this even an issue? It's not a big deal for me, but since some people make a fuss over it, I might as well express what I have to say.

In our time today, being best friends with the opposite gender is considered odd. People automatically put malice in the closeness of two people who are not of the same sex. I find this thought very bothersome because I, for one, am best friends with a guy.

When I looked back to my younger years, I found it striking that my best friends were consistently guys. From nursery to the present, I've always found it easier to be friends with boys than with girls. If ever I have had girl best friends, they didn't last that long. As I contemplated with this, I dug out one probable cause why I befriended boys most of the time.

As a child, my parents allowed me to mingle with just about every type of person, one of which is boys. My siblings and cousins are mostly of the opposite sex so I built a strong connection with them and have developed this thinking that guy friends are just as good as girl friends.

One obvious advantage of being best friends with a guy is that you won't have to deal with emotionality. I am the type who doesn't like looking at life's intricacy and is more likely to be laid back. The thing I love most about guys is that they too are like that. They live "light" lives and being a friend of one is fun because I don't have to deal with so much drama. When I became close with my current best friend, I felt as if I became a better person. Because he doesn't backstab his kind, I also stopped talking ill about other people. That's another advantage of it. Guys brush off everything once it was released.

To sum it all up, there's nothing wrong about a friendship between a "she" and a "he." It's friendship all the same and no rule states that opposite sexes cannot be best friends. With this, I hope that people would stop judging others' friendship based on gender. I also hope that people would be more open-minded when it comes to this thing and not just rely on pathetic stereotypes.

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