Filipino Friday 4: Going Digital

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“Do you read (or have at least tried to read) books in other formats aside from print? How was your experience with these different book formats?”

I have loved reading books ever since I was a kid. There’s something about printed materials that fascinated me so much. My aunt used to buy lots of books and she would stack them all in her room after she finished reading them. I remember sneaking there just to get a hold of the books she treasured. I read them from cover to cover, and before I knew it, I became a book lover like my aunt.

When I was in second year high school (just two years ago), I learned about this website that allowed people to post and/or read stories online. Being a reader of conventional printed materials, I overlooked the idea at first. I thought that wonderful stories could not spring from such areas, knowing that the writers there are just amateurs. After months or so, my elder sister started reading stories off Wattpad, the site for sharing stories. She was so emotional while reading them, so I got really curious. That was when I began reading online stories.

I had a pretty rough time switching from paperback to digital, because it felt weird not holding a legit book while reading (also the fragrance of new books was nowhere to be found). But then, I got used to it as time passed and it wasn’t that bad. Now, I’ve read nearly a hundred online novels, and I have no plans of stopping. Well, aside from being cheap; reading on a tablet or cell phone is really handy. I still read printed books every month, but I don’t think I’ll ever stop reading from story-sharing websites.

P.S. I wrote this for an event I'll be attending to next week. It's called "Filipino ReaderCon 2013." I'm very excited about it! If you want to check it out, I'll put the address of the site in the External Link. :) Thanks and have a nice day! :)

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