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October 31st, 8:17pm

"I still don't get why Michael wanted to have this party in the woods." Ava says, stepping over thorn bushes.

"It's Halloween, plus you know how he is." Hayley says, pushing a tree limb out of her way.

Soon, the music got louder and the people who had already arrived came into view.

People were scattered throughout the area, dancing, drinking and talking to their friends. They spotted Michael and Maddie were laughing with some people, holding drinks in their hand. Luke had Niara against a tree, making out with her.

"Wow," Ava and Hayley hear behind them.

They both turn around to see Calum staring at Hayley, holding two red solo cups.

"You look hot." He says, looking his girlfriend up and down.

"Thanks." She smirks, kissing him.

"Alright, well I'm gonna go." Ava says, turning around and walking away to find Ashton.

Ava looks around, seeing some familiar faces. Toy ghosts and skeletons were hanging from the trees. There were refreshment tables with all kinds of soda, beer and snacks and a bonfire was burning in the center.

"Hey babe," Ashton says, snaking his arm around Ava. He was holding a drink and the smell of alcohol lingered around him.

"Hey," Ava smiles, kissing him.

"Maddie is starting a game of truth or dare. Let's go join."

Ava and Ashton walks to where Michael, Maddie, Calum, Hayley were all gathered around the fire. As the sit down on two tree stumps, Luke and Niara come to join them.

"Hm, let's see.. Hayley! Truth or dare?" Maddie says.


"How many times have you and Calum had sex?" Maddie smirks.

Because of the light coming from the fire, Hayley's face was already red but it got even redder. "I don't know," She laughs, embarrassed by the question.

"Oh come on," Niara smirks, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Maybe six or seven times?" Hayley answers.

"Not bad," Maddie says. "You could do better though." She winks, taking a sip of her drink.

The game goes on, the eight friends going back and forth, asking embarrassing questions and daring each other to do stupid stuff. Once it was Michaels turn though, things got a bit more interesting.

He tapped his finger on the side of his chin, trying to think of a great dare. Suddenly, he gasps. "I have a dare for everyone." He says with a smirk.

"Which is?" Luke asks.

"We all go into the sickhouse." He says.

"No way." Ava declines.

"That place is creepy during the day. You're insane if you think I'm going in there Halloween night." Hayley says.

"Come on, guys! It's just an old house." Maddie says, standing up.

"You're going in?" Niara asks.


"So am I." Calum stands.

"Calum!" Hayley scowls.

"It'll be fine." He reassures his girlfriend.

"What about you guys?" Michael asks Ashton and Luke. They both nod.

"Great. Let's go." Michael says, turning around and walking off into the woods.

Despite their choice not to enter the abandoned house, Ava, Hayley and Niara follow behind their friends as they make the half mile walk through the dark woods.

"There it is." Michael says, pointing ahead and shining a flashlight on a dirty white house.

The wood was rotting and what was left of the windows was stained. Beer bottles, dead leaves and other random items surrounded the house. Just being close to the house creeped them out.

Everyone stops and stares for a moment, Ava, Hayley and Niara staying farther back than the others.

"Are you guys coming or what?" Michael turns around and asks the three girls.

"We'll just wait out here," Niara tells him.

Michael shrugs. "Suit yourself."

He walks into the old house with the others following hesitantly behind.

The creaky floorboards inside made it possible for Ava, Hayley and Niara to hear their friends inside.

"Are we making a big deal out of this?" Hayley asks.

A bloodcurdling scream rings throughout the woods.

Hey guysss! What did you think of this part?

Tbh I really wanna play a game of truth or dare with the boys. Or play any game with the boys. Or at least mEET THEM 😭

Anyways, until next time, ily 💗

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