08 | кιng

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I was a king under your control
I wanna feel like you've let me go

Chapter 08 ~ King

    Waking up, body numb and temples aching, had never felt so difficult. I had done this to myself by irresponsibly drowning my sorrows in beer after beer by Harry's request. I'm sure I could've slept longer, but the slight buzz of my cell phone vibrating against Harry's leather sofa jerked me out of my sleep.

"Great, you're up," I heard him say, his voice was nearby, but I didn't have the energy or strength to seek him out. "I made you something to eat."

Turning onto my side while groaning at the uncomfortable chill that shot down my spine, I locked eyes with Harry who was sitting on a leather reclining chair just across from me. I stared at him for a full moment before my eyes dropped to the coffee table where a plate of food was placed. "What is that?"


"It doesn't look like eggs."

"Just eat the goddamn thing," he ordered, his voice growing demanding.

Releasing a reluctant sigh, I sat up slowly and grabbed the plate of "eggs" from the coffee table. I stabbed my fork into the food, and slumped into my seat. I didn't actually start to eat the food until I noticed that Harry was glaring at me. Beside me, my phone continued to vibrate; one glance confirmed that the phone call was from none other than my beloved husband.

"He's been calling you all night," Harry mused, "what happened?"

"We got into a fight," I said with a shrug. Harry didn't know about Dante's infidelity because I never thought it'd be right to tell him. We were both psychology majors, and I knew he would force me to divorce him if I ever told him. He'd say some shit about Dante emotionally abusing me and try to psychoanalyze me, but he wouldn't tell me anything that I didn't already knew.

"About?" he continued to pry, his dark eyebrow raised in suspicion. I didn't reply, partly because I didn't want to relive that low moment in my life and partly because I didn't want my best friend to see me cry. "Look, dude, you came to my house completely naked and passed out on my couch, and now I made you breakfast and you still won't tell me what's wrong with you? What the hell, man?"

"I did something bad," I voiced, sounding hoarse and a little strained.

"What did you do?"

"I slept with someone else." Finally lifting my head to meet Harry's stare, I sucked in a breath once I saw the bewildered look he was giving me. His brows furrowed in confusion, and he began to shake his head like he couldn't believe what I was telling him.

After a moment's hesitation, he managed to ask, "What? Why would you—that doesn't sound like you, at all."

I forced a laugh. "Thanks, Harry."

"Were you drunk?"

I nodded.

"Does Dante know?"

I shook my head.

"Are you going to tell him?"

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